1. Broken promises

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I ran.

I ran until I collapsed onto the ground.

The smoke filled my lungs, making it hard to breathe.

Walkers were getting closer in front of me and the boat was collapsing behind me.

Only one thought was in my head.


I got up as quickly as I could and looked around, trying to see through the thick smoke and the herd. Louis spotted me and ran to me with a huge rock in his hands which he used to smash the heads of any walker that got too close. He gave me a small, sad smile while I wrapped my arms around him.

"I'm so glad you're okay." I whispered as he hugged me back. The hug was interrupted by a gut wrenching scream that was all too familiar.

I looked over to the mute boy who gave me a knowing look and a nod and I bolted in the direction the scream came from. When I started to lose my way, another pained yell filled my ears and led me into the right direction.

After weaving my way through a pack of walkers which also seemed to hear the screams, I found the source. As I got closer I saw a sight I'll never be able to get out of my head.

Clem was slouched on the ground, blood seeping out of her shoulder where a walker had teared into it. Her scared red eyes darting around the smoke filled woods.

She reached out for me and I quickly kneeled down beside her, I blinked away the tears that were filling my eyes. I looked at the bite and then back up to her already pale face. She gave me a sad smile and brought her hand up to my cheek, smiling weakly.

"Hey, you. You made it. I'm glad." She croaked.

"Yeah but...Clem you're...you're bitten."

"I know. And I'm sorry. But don't worry about me, worry about the others. Get them back to the school."

I shook my head in denial. "No. I'm not leaving you Clem, you're gonna be okay."

The brunette let out a groan as she shot up in pain. I couldn't do anything but watch her suffer. I suddenly remembered what she had told me just hours before.

"I promise I won't leave you."

"Take care of AJ for me. Protect each other." She said in almost a whisper.

Again, I shook my head. "Clementine, please. You can't die. Not now. I can't...I...I..."

She slowly leaned up to kiss my forehead. "It's okay."

"It's not okay! You're gonna die, you're gonna leave me and AJ. You promised you wouldn't leave. You can't break promises!" I argued but to no avail.

"I'm sorry. I...I'll miss you, Vi."

"I'll miss you too, Clem."

I felt my heart shatter into tiny pieces as Clementine let out a long, shaky breath. Her face held nothing but pain and her half lidded eyes and pale face told me she didn't have long left. She coughed suddenly and I noticed the blood splatter on the ground while I heard the groans of walkers behind us but took no notice, not even caring if one ended up taking a chunk out of me too.

Without thinking, I placed a gentle hand at the back of her head and pulled her closer to me, bringing my chapped lips to hers while the tears ran down our faces.

I tasted the salty tears and the blood. That bitter metal taste that always made me cringe. But at that moment I didn't care. All I wanted to do was taste Clem's soft pink lips one last time.

We fit perfectly together. Like two pieces in a jigsaw puzzle. I savoured every kiss we ever shared, though it wasn't many in the short time we had been together. When Clem pulled back, I saw the small but genuine smile on her face which I returned.

She took her hand and placed it in mine, squeezing it weakly. "I'm going to miss you so much and I am so sorry. Please be happy. Live a good life, okay? Take care of the other kids and take care of yourself." I nodded but inside I was screaming. She can't die, she's Clementine.

"I promise, Clem."

I struggled to breathe as my girlfriend slowly lost her battle with staying alive. She put her knife in my hand and closed it into a fist, patting it gently. "Make sure I don't come back."

I couldn't let the words out as I sobbed uncontrollably and watched as she let out her last shaky breath, her body going limp in front of me.

"I'm s-sorry." I croaked as I pulled up the knife before bringing it back down into her skull, my stomach churned as I heard the blade impale her brain, making sure she didn't turn into a walker. My vision was blurry from the tears that never stopped spilling out of my eyes as I slowly took the weapon back out, listening to the squelching sound it made.

Clementine broke her promise. But I sure as hell won't break mine.


I wrote this in September, I didn't feel confident enough to upload it until now, I hope it's ok.

Have a great day/night ❤️

860 words

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