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the way jihoon looked so crushed by the fact that he didn't know where hyunsuk was seemed to physically hurt seunghun, seeing as his heart pulled itself apart every time the younger boy ran an exasperated hand through his hair. 

it hurt so much to see jihoon so in love with someone else.

especially when there was nothing more seunghun wanted to do than hold the hands of the boy, intertwine their fingers and hug him to calm him down from the nervous jitters which had taken control of him.

instead he stuck his itching hands into his hoodie as the two boys walked from the parking lot of the house in which the party had been held, their noses a light pink as the cold from the night slowly melted as the sun really fully came out, to the actual inside of the house, still open as people continued to filter out of it, doing walks of shame and walks which were barely walks. 

under the dirty stained lights of the house, an ugly red which he had for some reason not realised was there while he was here yesterday, jihoon still looked ethereal. the light hit off his face and illuminated him in a way which led to seunghun's observing face to go a bright pink.

the panicked younger boy didn't notice though, his anxiety flaring high as he looked around the house for his broken best friend, the short boy whose shattered heart always led to him in such situations, lonely and depressed until jihoon could help him out of it.

jihoon didn't mind trying to keep hyunsuk together because they both kept each other sane. hyunsuk was his rock he could retreat to whenever he needed him, all through their childhoods they had been melded together, through every tragedy, every hoy.

he loved hyunsuk more dearly than some would their blood brothers.

seunghun took this love in the wrong context. 

while jihoon had worry in his eyes, seunghun could only see affection, an anxiety to find his lover. while jihoon had the jitters because he knew what this could lead to, seunghun saw it as heartbreak, as the feeling of getting your heart tugged at a hundred different places at once.

seunghun saw a lover in hyunsuk, jihoon saw his brother.

both boys stumbled into the different rooms on the floor in which seunghun said he had definitely seen hyunsuk running into, his hands intertwined with another boy's, their faces alight with a kind of crazy passion which comes from an unburned passion and a little too many drinks than which can leave a person with still a sane mindset.

opening one room, jihoon walks straight into a shirtless boy whose neck was so deeply covered in purple bruises that even seunghun felt his neck warm in embarrassment as he tried not to stare at the vivid coloured neck of this insanely hot boy.

he had expected jihoon to be awkward, to move away and walk to the next room but instead jihoon's eyes crawled up this boy's body, going from his face to the neck and then back, meeting his eyes with a kind of look which made seunghun cringe because he had never, never seen jihoon this angry.

there was unadulterated rage in those generally soft eyes, a kind of rage which only follows something traumatic.

jihoon's hand raises and slaps the boy right on the cheek, a loud 'smack' sound emanating through the empty hallway as the boy retreated into himself and then straightened up, a cocky smirk taking over his features as he whispered something into jihoon's ears and then walked away, his hands tucked into his way too tight jeans' pockets.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2019 ⏰

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