she's cute when she's mad

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(Hey Selena this is what Patty and Vanna look like)

Kiera pov:
I was talking to Vanna I blush Everytime she next to me why is she making me feel this way I have no idea I said something that really made  her mad hehe it's kind of cute when she's so angry your Neko ears and tail pop out I didn't want to touch them because I know how sensitive they are so I didn't touch it man why is she making me feel this way vanna is so cute I just can't keep my eyes off her what am I doing wrong sigh "Kiera you ok?" She said to me "o-oh yeah" I stuttered God what is wrong with me


Smiley: man

Patty: heheh

Vanna: *sigh*

Kiera: *sigh*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2019 ⏰

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