cold and content

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* This switches back to Cory and Rain's perspectives thanks for reading this so far hope you're enjoying it so far *

Cory rooled over restlessly and wiggled around.
" you could be more still you know . . . Save some energy soon we'll be..."
Cory stooped her
" ok stop all this perfect world perspective talk. Reality is that..."

"Look" Rain pointed her finger to the sky a black dot hovered closer to them and it's noise becoming louder as it approached them.
"Ooo my goosh"
The dot soon was just over head and it became apparent it was a helicopter. They pulled down the orange canopy of the raft to make the whole sky above them visible. They wave their hands to call for attention. The helicopter lowered closer to the surface of the sea and a flexible ladder dropped down and slapped in the middle of the raft. A microphones voice screamed from the air craft.
" grab on to the ladder and do not climb, hold on we will pull you up"
While the speaker started calling out commands in various languages Cory and Rain latched on for life to the Handles as the ladder jerked upwards and pulled them up. Their feet slipped on the bars because they didn't have shoes. They took them of because they were soaking wet.
Now, they just had no grip. Their arms gripped around the ladder tight.
When they reached the top they gripped for the floor of the helicopter. A tall man with dark black hair pulled them all the way up: one child per hand. They rooled over to the right and stretched out on the left side of the cabin. A lady bent down over them and placed metal colored sheets over them. The warmth soothed Rain to sleep; what they really needed. But Cory left his eyes open for a while he saw the lady go to the back of the flyer. She pushed black bags through the same whole they came in through. His mind wondered what was in them,  when she pushed the last bag down he asked.
" what's in those bags" he said
" secrets" she replied while walking to the cockpit door. Just as he almost fell asleep he had to find one more thing out.
" what's your name?"
" just Megan" he pressed trying to find more about the mysterious woman.
" Yes, just Megan"


Rain and Cory were in a deep sleep when the man with black hair woke them up. He pushed their shoulder back and forth about a few times before he got tireless and just grabbed them by their shoulder to lift them on their feet.
" We have to move fast come on" he whispered indicating that silence was imperative. Megan closed the helicopters cutting the engine. She followed behind and quickly scooped up Rain in her arms bridal style.
" pick him up we can move them quicker we're stronger"
The man with black hair grunted as he lifted Cory of the ground
However, when Rain shifted her attention to her surroundings she realized she wasn't on the ground. She was on a concrete roof in the sky. She couldn't tell how high up but it wasn't close to the ground. She looked up to the lady who was carrying her to find somethings out. After all the shock of what happened she didn't bother to ask who saved them: she was just happy to be saved.
" who are you guys .... and where am I"
" I am Megan and the man is Ivan you are at the . . . Uh" she paused for a moment to search for words "police station"
" I've never seen a police station with a helicopter pad" she said
I'm a defensive tone she responded " well they're all like that in Andorra"
Rain tried to compute her thoughts. Faded memories of French books popped up in her head. It took no time to dawn on her that she wasn't in America and she wasn't with Americans.
" Andorra like the Andorra in between Spain and France"
"yes indeed" she replied
With that statement fear jumped into Rain and she jumped out of Megan's arms. She Ran to Cory and pulled him out of Ivan's arms.
"They're not Americans were not in America!" She proclaimed
Cory hopped onto the ground and they took of to the door that lead to the stairs
" stop PLEASE stop" They chases after the young kids but their natural youthful athleticism was far better than Ivan and Megan 's trained skills. Before the pair could stop them they were already down the stairs.
Ivan whipped out his phone and called a number.
" yeah tell central district security to detain two American children a boy and a girl they're running through the east wing"
He hung the phone up and turned to Megan.
"What in your Right mind told you it was a good idea to tell them that they're Americans."
Megan turned to the where the staircase started.
" I don't know , . . I do not know"

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