IV | incorrect

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Is a "wrong" act okay if nobody ever knows about it?

"LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT, THEY DON'T KNOW?" Peter's eyes widened, staring at the girl as they sat on their usual rooftop. She blinked, as if processing his reply for a second. She slowly pulled her knees up to her chest, quietly whispering. "No, they don't know. Matter of fact, I don't think they care enough to know."

He didn't push it, staying silent. "They aren't even worried?" She corrected him silently, averting her eyes with a light cough escaping her lips. As usual, her clothing was drenched and her hair was wet and hung in front of her. Y/n looked around, searching for something to look at other than Peter's eyes.

She bit her bottom lip. "My mother's dead. He isn't worried." Y/n corrected. It was obvious that her mood became more dampened, the rain thundering down at a quicker pace and at a louder volume that Peter could ever recall. Karen spoke up, alerting Peter on the weather, but he swiftly shushed her without Y/n noticing.

He stared at her, her eyes glued to the ground as her mind drifted over her deep thoughts. Peter's gaze softened, "I'm sure he's worried. I-I may not have parents of my own, but my Aunt would most definitely kill me if I was missing for a week." She shook her head, drawing blood from her bottom lip. "Not a week. I've been missing for two or three, at this point."

Peter stayed quiet. The statement must've put her off, Karen speaking up again. "The rain has turned into hail about the size of golf balls. I urge you to seek shelter and go home, Peter." The A.I. said, catching Y/n off guard as she slowly nodded. She whispered quietly. "You should listen to your A.I., Peter. I'll take care of whatever this is," Her hand caught a piece of hail, looking at it.

He shook his head, still sitting beside her as he set a hand over her hand in a comforting notion. "You said it relies slightly over emotion, right? I don't think leaving you would be the best option for you as of right now." Her shoulders shook, scaring Peter as she turned to him, tears welling up in her eyes. She lunged at him, pulling him into a hug.

"Thank you," Y/n softly whimpered, burying her face in his shoulder. His breath hitched shortly, hand rubbing her back slowly and soothingly. "It's okay, it's okay." He whispered to her, calming her down as she held onto him like she was his last lifeline. Y/n looked down, wiping her eyes tiredly. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be burdening you with these things."

"It's not a burden," He corrected, smiling underneath the mask. She grinned at him, "Then you won't mind taking me home?" Peter rolled his eyes with a light chuckle, scooping her up as she yelped and clung onto him. He swung away into the hotel, using the same rickety window to slip in through the hall.

She unlocked the door this time, leading him in as they smiled at each other. He was halfway through taking off his mask, stopping when he realized that he forgot his backpack on the rooftop. "Hold on." He laughed embarrassingly, leaving and soon coming back with the blue backpack filled with his clothes.

She laughed, watching him walk back in only for her to lock the door behind him. He took off his mask, taking a towel that she handed to him. Peter rubbed his hair a few times with it while she took off her gray hoodie. Y/n grabbed a striped tank top and sweat shorts from her drawer, shooting a smile at him. "I'm going to change real quick." He just nodded, a faint blush dusting his cheeks.

She soon came back, her wet hair tied up into a decently high ponytail. Her clothes hung up from the towel rack. Peter smiled nervously, "Is it okay if I—" He gestured to the bathroom, holding his backpack. Y/n cracked a smile from his awkward question, "—totally. It's alright if you change in there."

Peter nodded, taking his backpack in with him to change. He pulled on his usual flannel t-shirt, Midtown sweater, and blue jeans. He scrunched his nose at the feeling of his wet socks, but was blessed to realize that past him had managed to pack an extra pair of socks. He put those on, taking out his sneakers that were snug in his backpack too.

Lacing up the white shoes, he stuffed his Spider-Man suit inside of the backpack and unlocked the bathroom door, walking out. Y/n was sitting on the hotel bed, an old rendition of Tom and Jerry playing on the TV animatedly. She smiled, laughing when Tom got hit by something again. He watched her expression, blushing. "Tom and Jerry? Classic." He nodded at her.

Y/n nodded, smiling. "I'm a sucker for oldies." He grinned at her, plopping down beside her. Them sitting together and relaxing while watching a movie oddly reminded him of the times that he'd spend with Ned during spring break. Unfortunately, he couldn't do that anymore since Ned's family insisted on taking a trip to Hawaii during the break.

MJ was off on her own, heading on a road trip with her family to New Jersey. Peter didn't mind much. He'd just spend Easter with Aunt May again and be Spidey for the night. It was like any other year, to him. The only difference was that his friends weren't present and the weather was off, but there was still a pro to that too. There was Y/n.

He shook his head out of his train of thought, snapping out of it when the girl let out another giggle while Jerry ran back into his little home. Tom came back again, slamming the ground repeatedly with a frying pan tucked in between his paws. It was Peter's turn to laugh this time, unknowingly wrapping an arm around the girl. 

Sparing a look outside the hotel room window, he smiled. 

It was raining again.

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