stop saying my name like that

5 0 0

Eros sighed as the door closed behind Noah. This was like the fifth time this week he went out on a date with some girl. A girl, remind you, she hadn't even met. She thought that because she was Noah's best friend, she could at least get to know the person he was dating. I mean they grew up together. They graduated high school together, that counts as best friends right?

Well, there had been the small incident on her 20th birthday. Noah had thought it would be funny to get Eros drunk, since he thought she was a 'goody two-shoes'. So, he kept giving her shots throughout the night and succeeded in getting her drunk. Noah himself was drunk too. Eros remembers it was around 2 AM and they were both sitting at the bar, laughing about stupid stuff, when all of a sudden Perfect started to play. Eros loves Ed Sheeran so she started singing along. As she was laughing because of her horrendous singing, she locked eyes with Noah. She then leaned in and kissed him.

They hadn't talked about it since then, but it had been a while. Eros always just assumed that Noah forgot about it. Him going on dates with other girls just showed that he had forgotten, or he didn't care.

Eros sighed and shook her head. She knew she couldn't get caught up in her feelings again, like she had done for the past five days Noah had been out. She shook her head and turned on the tv. While she was scrolling through the channels, she could feel that her mind wasn't there. She turned the tv off and grabbed her phone instead. Even though Eros knew that it was stupid of her, she went to her conversation with Noah and started typing.

from: Eros

to: Noah

assuming you're having fun? x

from: Noah

to: Eros

yeah. gonna b home late. dont wait up.

Eros fell back into the pillows of her couch and groaned. She was doing everything in her power not to throw her phone across the room. She decided she's had enough feelings for one evening and went over to the fridge and grab the biggest bottle of wine she owned.


Noah smiled as he closed the door behind him. He had a great evening with Emily. He looked at his watch. It was 2.20 AM, he saw. He tried to be as quiet as possible, because he hoped that Eros really didn't wait up for him. While he was tip-toeing to his own room, he heard Eros' giggle in the kitchen. He opened the door and walked in. "Hey, I thought you wouldn't-", he was interrupted by the sight of Eros at the kitchen bar, giggling to herself with a empty wine bottle next to her.

"Noah! You're home again!" Eros smiled brightly at Noah, dimples showing. "Sssh, Eros," Noah said, "We have neighbours!" He said walking towards her. He grabbed the empty bottle next to Eros. "You got bored, huh?" He asked her, smiling. Eros nodded excitedly. "Yup!" She sais, popping the 'p'. "I missed you, Noah." Eros said, leaning towards him with her arms wide open. "Hug meeeeee!" She said, smiling. Noah laughed and hugged her. "Let's get you into bed, huh, little one." He said as he started lifting her out of her chair. Except, Eros' leg didn't let go of the bar chair she was sitting in, so she, Noah and the chair all toppled over. Noah and Eros laid on the floor for a minute before bursting out laughing.

"Erooooossss!" Noah said, laughing. "Why did you do that?" Eros giggled and shrugged. "Would you stop saying my name like that?!" Eros said laughing, covering her face with her hand. Noah kept laughing and looked at her. "Like what?" He asked her. Eros sat up and looked back down on him. "Like that, stupid." Noah sat up and pushed his hair out of his face. "I always say it like that, silly." He laughed. Eros stretched while saying: "I know, it's making it harder to pretend I'm not in love with you."

Noah paused for a second and looked at her. She didn't mean that did she? "I'm goin' to bed. See ya tomorrow." She gave him a clumsy kiss on his head before stumbling out of the kitchen, leaving a shell-shocked Noah on the floor. Noah sat there for a little while before he heard Eros falling on her bed and her quiet snoring a few seconds later. He stood up from the kitchen floor and walked towards his room in a haze. He did his nighttime routine, but not really focussing. When he laid down in his bed 2 minutes later had he actually processed what Eros had said. He would have to ask her about it tomorrow morning.


The next morning when Noah woke up, for a moment he was disoriented, then he remembered what had happened the night (or morning? damn, who even knows?) before and sighed. Noah knew this was going to be an awkward conversation to have with Eros. He got out of bed and quickly threw something on and walked into the kitchen. Eros was already there, sitting there with messed up hair and smudged mascara, eating her cereal. There was a glass of water and an ibuprofen next to her. "Hey", she croaked as Noah walked it. Noah only smiled at her before making himself a bowl of cereal. The silence that hung in the kitchen wasn't a comfortable one. It was one that felt awkward and dreadful. Eros eyed Noah curiously when he purposely left one seat empty between them before sitting down and eating his cereal. Eros tried to make conversation with him, but he kept answering in short sentences.

All of a sudden she put her spoon down with a bang and looked at him with anger. "What's up?" She asked him sternly. He looked at her innocently. "What do you mean?", He took another bite of his cereal, looking down. "Well, you have barely spoken to me all morning, you won't even look at me when I'm talking to you and you keep glancing at me when you think I'm not looking, so tell me what I did or said last night to make you act this way!" Eros said with a slightly raised voice. Noah mumbled something, still looking down at his cereal. "What was that?" She asked him, leaning closer. "I said that you told me you were in love with me." Noah said again, finally looking at her. "I-I mean, I probably said it differently and you interpreted it wrong." Eros said, a blushing growing on her cheeks. "You said and I quote: 'I know, it's making it harder for me to pretend I'm not in love with you.' I'm not stupid Eros." Noah said, getting a little worked up. He then turned towards her and looked at her intently. 'Why didn't you just tell me?" He asked.

Eros stood up from the table and paced around a little before she looked at him with a shocked face. "Oh yeah, because you going on dates for the past week made it super easy for me to say 'oh by the way, I'm in love with you?" Eros said, angrily. "Okay, I understand why you wouldn't-" Noah started to say but Eros interrupted him. "Do you remember my 20th birthday?" She asked him. Noah started blushing. "I, eh, yeah I do." He said, pushing around his cereal to avoid looking at Eros. "Do you remember that we kissed?" Eros asked him, smacking his hand away from the spoon so he would look at her. Noah sighed and looked up "Yes, I do remember that we kissed." He said. "Then why didn't you bring it up with me the next day, like you we're avoiding to today." Eros asked him, slightly teary-eyed.

It was quiet for a moment before Noah answered. "I assumed you'd forgotten about it and I didn't want it to ruin our friendship," he said. Eros sighed and sat down next to him and grabbing his hands. "Noah," she said, "How could you ever think that one kiss would ruin our friendship?" she asked him. "I could never get mad about that Noah, you and I were only acting on our feelings." Eros said while looking at Noah softly. "I could never do anything but love you, Noah." She said with a small smile.

Noah looked at her and pushed a stray hair out of her face before leaning in and kissing Eros. After he pulled away he smiled at her. "I'm sorry for being such a jerk and not talking to you, before." He said. "Do you forgive me, Eros?" He asked her. Eros laughed and looked at him. "Only if you never stop saying my name like that."

Hi hi! This is the first time I'm writing a story that isn't a fanfiction. I hope you all like it and do let me know if you want to see more of this ship :) I also included a picture of how I imagine Eros and a picture of how imagine Noah.

see y'all later! x

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2019 ⏰

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