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                    A/N: I'll start will Miles'a POV :)

 "Miles! time for school" I heard my dad yelling as i was listening one of my favorite songs; Sunflower.

 "In a minute!" I yell back, grabbing my backpack. "Need me to drive you miles?" My dad insisted "No, dad i'll be fine." I rolled my eyes before my mom kissed my cheek and told me gooodbye. While i notice a girl who looks familiar, Oh! It's Y/N! 

I walked over to her,  she gently smiled at me "So, have you been" i asked looked at her beautiful H/C fly through the wind as she says "Good! i'm sorry for not talking to you last night i was just realllly tired!" i smiled "It's alright"

"So wanna race?" Y/N Said grinning at me "That's if you think you can beat me there" Y/N giggled "I know i can!" 

*Time skip(At school)* 

We made it with just 15 minutes to spair "Hey, Y/N Wanna go to dinner with me my mom and dad? they really miss seeing you!" I smiled at her "Yeah! sounds like a d-" Before she could finish the bell rang

I was so focused on seeing Y/N and my parents that it felt like classes just flew by and before i knew it i was waiting outside of Y/N's dorm ready to go.

As we were walking i heard some noise but  didnt bother to check because we were in a rush. (10 minutes later) 

We arrived to see my mom;rio and my dad;(Forgot sry) they hugged me and Y/N And a waitress brought us to a table 


A waitress brought me, miles, and his parents to a booth. her names was kayla the waitress looked young like she went to our school she kept smiling at miles 

wich may have made me a slight bit jealous.. and but thank god miles didnt notice, when she took out order she was sweet to miles DEFINITLEY but for me and his parents she rolled her eyes in a sassy tone and said "Alright, ugh i'll be back with your drinks." i sighed "I'm gonna use the uhm bathroom..." i walked to the bathroom and just started tearing up. "Why...Why does it hurt? I-i cant have feeling for miles he's my best friend.." i said quietly, as kayla walked in 

"Awww, are you crying? wow i didnt know you liked him soooo much! that just makes me wanna have him more." she snorted sounding like a pig. I stored out the bathroom and sat by miles, "Hey Y/N You good?" You nodded not wanting to talk thinking that soon miles would belong to kayla.. speaking of her she arrived at the table with the food, "Here you go!" she cheerfully handed miles his then just roughly put down mine and his parents and walked off. 

'man i hate kayla' i thought to myself. we all started to eat and as soon as we were done kayla came with the recipt and have miles her phone number. she winked at him and walked away, "I'm gonna go.. thanks Mr and Mrs Morales.." I said "No problem Y/N" They said, "Hey, Y/N hold up i'll com-" "I rather you not..." you said before running out the resturant. 

As you were running you quickly stopped when a group of thugs following you.You were firghtened and didnt know what to do they cornered me and one pulled out a gun asking me to pull out my wallet "Bu- Wh-" then the one and only Spider-Man came he shot webs that the thugs then walked over to you "Hey are you alright?" you didnt move "Y-yeah i-" then everything went blurry. 


I might make another chapter if ppl like this one ;-; btw sorry if it's bad, i didnt really plan everything out well enough.

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