Tag :3

16 1 2

Tagged by FemaleFresh
1. My crush: his name is Daniel :P he's great and I love him haha
2. Middle name: don't have one :|
3. Height: 5'1(if you round. technically im 5'0.5 rip)
4. Show size: 6, 6 1/2
5. Eye color: brown
6. Last time I cried: I teared up yesterday but cried I think on Friday??? Or was it Thursday? Sometime last week
7. Biggest fear: hmm, needles? Fainting? Throwing up? Anything that affects my body freaks me out
8. Last song I listened to: Pacify Her :P
9. Last person I texted: my crush úwù
10. Tag ten peeps(I barely talk to any so i won't tag ten) :/
(You don't have to do this tag btw, no pressure)

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