Chapter 1

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18 years later, Elvy's POV:

"Alpha, the pack is ready to move. Ready at your command." The sounds of howls, roaring motorcycles and the honking of several RVs echoed, confirming the statement.

"Ha, very well. Pack Nomad! Move out and keep in line! We don't need cops pulling us over. Got it?!" Our Alpha shouted her order, put on her helmet and mind-linked the entire pack to move out. My mother had taken a terrible situation and turned it into her legacy. After the sperm donor, my father and former pack leader of pack Desert Night, left us for another woman - another pack; my mother was left alone and pregnant with me.

Instead of feeling sorry for herself and wallowing in the moment, she took matters into her own hands. With all her strength, my mother asked the Moon Goddess, to be made the ruling Alpha of Pack Desert Night. The Moon Goddess heard the plea and agreed, under one condition: surrender the pack territory and survive the first five years as nomads. In order to have a functional and organized pack, territory was a must. But in my mother's case, if she wanted to be Alpha, she needed to prove she could protect and provide for her pack with no solid territory. With nothing to stabilize the foundation of her family.

I don't know how my mom did it, I don't know where she drew her power from, but did she ever prove herself to the rest of the werewolf society. Ava Stoneheart, formally Ava Pace, is the Alpha of Pack Nomad - the only pack to migrate and move as we please. And me, I'm Elvy Stoneheart, the creation of my beautiful mother and the ass-hat who had the balls to abandon us. Over the course of eighteen years, my mother had built her pack from the ground up, all while raising me to become the next Alpha of the pack.

My life is anything but normal - instead of attending a high school and worrying about prom; it was constant physical training and mechanics lessons. Since our pack is always on the move, the machines and vehicles needed to be in tip-top condition.

Our pack loved life on the road, granted we occasionally missed the idea of having a territory of our own - but we got to see the world. For the last ten years, mother had moved us across the seas and into Europe. We met the Alpha King of Europe - he granted us access to his continent and we roamed as far as the sun could reach in a day. My heart soared when we met different packs and took down rogues. Pack Nomad had a reputation and we made sure it was well maintained.

However, the time came for us to return to our own country. A message was sent from the Alpha King of North America - he wanted our return and soon. We were in Paris at the time, enjoying the wine and country-side. It was a shame to leave it. Now, after spending two weeks on a boat, we finally ported in New York and began our journey West. About five hours into our trip, my mother ordered for us to pull over at the next rest stop. It had been a long ride and we could use a good leg stretch.


No one's POV:

"Damn - two weeks on a boat and then riding on my bike, was not a good idea." Ava spoke to herself before dismounting from her bike, taking a well needed stretch. She watched as her pack pulled in the first round of bikes; the three RVs in the middle, with the remainder of the bikes behind. Elvy rolled in with the last group, her bike screeching to a halt. Unlike Ava, Elvy sported dark hair as opposed to her mother's bright blonde, but possessed her silver/blue eyes. Waving her daughter down, the alpha linked for everyone to go about their nightly routine. The pack's warriors grouped up and patrolled the surrounding area. Everyone else began cooking and setting up; while the children played and enjoyed the break out of the buses. Elvy went and sat next to her mother.

"Can't say I enjoyed that ride as much as the others. How was the ride on your end?" Ava looked at her daughter as she dropped down and extended her legs out.

"Not bad, but there were plenty of eyes on us. I forgot New York has a large pack. Lucky for us we have the King's seal." Elvy looked at the necklaces around her's and her mother's neck. As mother and daughter chatted on, the pack's beta came up behind them; along with his wife the pack gamma.

"Alpha, beg your pardon. Little Alpha. Mind if the mate and I join you?" Raidon, the Beta had been friends with Ava since they were pups. Even when Raidon found his mate, Gracie - he never considered leaving his best friend - no matter the situation. Especially after Ava's rejection and the pack's dismemberment, Raidon and Gracie stood next to Ava through her ascension as Alpha and through her pregnancy.

"Hey Elf!" A smile spreads on Elvy's face as Goliath, Raidon and Gracie's son, approached and sat himself behind Elvy, placing her in between his legs. Goliath sported light brown hair; hazel-green eyes; a chiseled face shaped by the Goddess herself. His name said it all, he was a big boy and growing. Born under the same moon, Elvy and Goliath were inseparable. Two Pups in a Pod. Their birth night would happen in a month's time. And in a month's time, Ava prayed to the Moon Goddess, those two would be mates. As the two conversed in their own little world, their parents watched on. A smile etched onto their faces.

"Alpha, any idea why the King would want us back? I mean, after being gone for a decade - why so sudden?" Raidon's question was fair and Ava needed to tell her pack the truth.

"Apparently, in the last three years - the number of rogue attacks have been frequent. Kidnappings, rapes, raids - you name it, rogues have quadrupled their efforts. I think the King is running out of plans and warriors." Ava pulled out a letter from her pack and handed it to Raidon. The Beta looked over the document before handing it to his mate.

"Well...he provided the 'why' we are back, but does he expect us to fight or is it more of a crowd control?" Raidon is a calm and collected soul; he wasn't much for fighting. Gracie handed the document back to Ava before she caressed her mate's face.

"Don't know. Let's just go and play it by ear. We keep are wits about us while we are on the king's territory. That's all we can really do." Ava starred at the night sky, while the others nodded in agreement.

Let's just get this over with...

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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