Amy's thoughts

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Life can never be fair. If it was nothing would be wrong. Imagine a world were everything so perfect no faults, don't know about you but no thanks ,things just have to go wrong it's like an unwritten law waiting to be written.

My mum says everything has to have a consequence , everything. Even the little everyday things we don't think about but yet we still do them. My life seems to have a lot of consequences though , I don't do the smallest of things that's it big consequence! Sometimes it's not always like that though , sometimes it's a bigger mistake. It's one that on the end you think what the hell was I thinking when I did that , I was on drugs or something ?


One thing I ask you is , why do we do things when we know the consequences of them ? Is it because we don't think ? Is it because we want to have those consequences ? Just why? We just seem to do things myself included.

Before I tell you my story just remember ; life is confusing , you sometimes can't trust the people who you think you can , consequences will always bite you in the bum and never trust a man selling camels in the motorway ! Random but you never know it might save your life, it did for me .

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