Chapter 1

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Starting a Family isn't as easy as you would think. How do you know when you're ready? Are you ready when you have a job that enables you to be financially secure? Are you ready when you and your partner are fully committed to each other? The truth is that there is never a right answer because it depends on how each individual person defines being ready; and Kuroko was now more sure than ever that he was ready to start a family.

About six months ago it was announced on the news that a doctor at the major hospital in Kyoto had developed a new type of medical procedure that would allow men to become pregnant. This had sparked Kuroko's interest because he had assumed that if he and his husband Akashi were going to have children, they were either going to have to adopt or try surrogacy. The thought of being able to have a child that was biologically part of him and part of Akashi, made Kuroko feel warm inside. However this was not what caused Kuroko to decide he was ready to have a baby now. Of course it was an amazing scientific break through that would make starting their family a little more special; but they certainly could have had children before the development of these injections.

It wasn't until today that he was a hundred percent sure that he wanted to have a baby.

Kuroko was working part time at a small preschool not far from his university. He normally worked with the with the older children who were ages 3 to 4. The preschool building was divided in half and the left half of the building was a nursery school for babies and toddlers. Today when Kuroko arrived for his shift he was informed that they were short staffed in the nursery and asked if he'd mind helping out. Naturally being the kind person that he was he agreed. The day went smoothly and Kuroko found that he enjoyed working with the younger children. Nearly every child had been picked up except for a boy who was only about a year old. His mother called and said that she was running late but would be there as soon as she could.

Kuroko's co-worker for the day needed to speak with the director of the preschool leaving Kuroko in charge of taking care of the little boy; not that he minded. The baby was on the floor in the play area when he started to rub his eyes and fuss because he was tired. Kuroko gently lifted the boy into his arms and sat in one of the rocking chairs.

"It's okay. No more tears little one." Kuroko said as he wiped away they tears from the boys cheeks. "Your mother will be here soon. I bet she can't wait to see you." Kuroko kept rocking as he continued to talk. The baby stopped fussing and a few minutes later the baby fell asleep in Kuroko's arms. Not long after the child fell asleep its mother arrived to pick him up.

As Kuroko walked to the train station he couldn't forget the way it felt to have a baby in his arms. He knew that was what he wanted. He wanted to start a family with Akashi. He wanted to rock their baby to sleep. He wanted to hold their baby in his arms. Kuroko's mind drifted to the news broadcast about the male pregnancy procedure and how if he were to become pregnant it really would be their baby. His mind was made up...

Kuroko was ready to start a family.


When Kuroko got home he only had one goal in mind. That was to find Akashi and discuss the idea of having a baby. Kuroko knew that Akashi would most likely be in his study going over paperwork for the company, and he was right. The door to the study was open but Kuroko still knocked to be polite and also to get Akashi's attention.

"Welcome home Tetsuya." Akashi said. Kuroko walked into the room and stood on the other side of Akashi's desk as they exchanged a bit of small talk about how each others days were. When the conversation came to an end Akashi went back to looking over his paperwork. However he still felt Kuroko's presence on the other side of his desk.

"Was there something you wanted to talk about Tetsuya?" the red head asked as he looked up at his husband. Kuroko didn't say anything. Instead the bluenette walked around the side of the desk, pushing Akashi's chair back and sat on the red heads lap with one leg on each side, straddling him. Kuroko wanted Akashi's undivided attention for their conversation and based on the slightly surprised look on Akashi's face, the bluenette achieved that goal.

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