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Brookelynn Bridge^

Brookelynns P.O.V

"Brook! get your ass down here and make us our dinner." My father, Mathew said.

I hurry up with putting my school work in my folder 'cause I don't want to make my mom and dad more angry than they already are because I forgot to make their dinner an hour earlier, but got stuck doing my work.  I jog down the stairs, but carelessly falling over one of Mathews beer bottles on the way down which made me stumble into Mathew and tip over his beer onto his lap.

"YOU! Little bitch, I told you to watch were your going, but no you can't listen, can you!" He says with venom in his voice.

"I..I..I'm sorry! It won't happen again sir!" I say while trying not to stutter, but fail miserably.

"Sure as hell it won't"

As soon as he said that, I instantly felt the color draining from my face.  He took his belt off and pushed me to the floor and started to hit me in the back of my legs repeatedly with his belt.  It's now five minutes and he finally stop hitting me and said,

"This should teach you now" he says with a satisfy smirk.

"Now go make us our dinner"

I slowly limp to the kitchen and take out the pans to make Tortilla Soup, my mom and dad's favorite.  It take's me at least an hour or so to make it and when I set it on the dinner table where my mom and dad are sitting, my dad grabs me by my hair and says,

"Now you listen here Brook, I will not tolerate this kind of behavior from you at all and if you do any thing like you did before, you will not see the light of day again, got it?"

"Yes sir" I say with terror in my voice.

"Now take what you are going to eat and go to your room" He says.

I take my bowl of the soup and I walk up the stairs quickly but without trying to drop my soup all over the floor, once I get to my room I set my soup on my nightstand and I go over to my bed and plop down and I open up my laptop to look for jobs. 

I need, not want, I need a job

I was looking around and I found a Stripper Club site where they need a girl to do dances and other stuff for the needy guys there. 

There all needy if you ask me

I find the application site and I take a minute to see if it's worth it, and to see if my parents would agree. 

Actually I'll ask them right now

I walk down the stairs carefully and I make my way to the living room where my mom and dad are watching a horror movie.

"Um I need to ask you guys a question?" I say.

"What do you need now?" My mom says.

"Um I want to ask you if I can get a job so you guys don't have to pay for my stuff anymore"

"What is the job?" Mathew asks.

"It's a place called Cheaters and all their asking for is someone to do dances for guys"

"Okay do it because I don't want to pay for your things again it's a waste of my money" he says.

"Okay thank you" 

"now leave, we want to watch this movie in peace" My mom said.

I make my way upstairs to my room and I grab my laptop and I start filling out the genral information, then I send it to them. 

Now all I have to do is wait for them to reply back


How was it?


Don't say hate though, if  you didn't like something tell me nicely and I will change it


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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2019 ⏰

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