Chapter 1 Down the rabbit hole!!

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8 Year old Lucy’s POV

It has been one year since Mama left me and Father has been awful. He barley notices me, yells at me whenever he gets the chance and he blames me for Mama’s death, I couldn’t take it anymore! So I decided to run away only packing what I could carry which was a little money, Mama’s keys and my doll, Michelle. Now I am currently running as fast as my feet can carry me through the dark forest. I don’t know where I am going and I honestly don’t care. When all of the sudden I feel myself trip over something, falling forward I squeeze my eyes shut waiting for the impact that never came. Feeling curious I open my eyes a little. Gasping my eyes shot open, I was falling slow motion down rabbit hole filled with furniture!

Finally reaching the bottom with a small thud, I look around and see a small table with a key and a bowl of colourful cookies that said ‘Eat me’. Walking over to it, I eyed the cookies suspiciously before deciding against taking one and juts going for the key. As I glanced around the room I noticed a door, walking over to it I stood on my tippy toes and unlocked the door. Pushing the door open light filled my vision making it impossible for me to see.

Third person point of view because why not ;)

The small blonde rubbed her eyes cutely with her small fists before her eyes adjusted to the light. She looked around at her surroundings only to find herself more confused. In front of her was what looked like a big tea party? Around the table there was a mischievous looking man with cat like features, a girl with snow white hair and bunny ears with a pair of glass resting on the edge of her nose wearing a plaid skirt with a white button up shirt covered with a red vest and a brownish jacket, she kept checking her watch mumbling something about being late. Across form those two there was a crazy looking man with a miss matched suit and a big top hat with a card that said 10/6 on it, beside him was an equally crazy man with brown eyes and bunny ears wearing a brownish suit. Sleeping on the table next to the two lunatics was an ity bitty mouse his head just sticking out of a tea pot. On the opposite ends of the table there was two queen looking figures that looked like the exact opposite of each other, one red and one white and many more odd people sat around the table.

No one seemed to notice the small, curly haired girl standing five feet away from the party, but Lucy needed to know where she was so she mustered up as much courage as she could and took a shaky breath,

“Umm ex-excuse m-m-me,” She interrupted, and just like that all eyes were on her, everthing turning dead silent,

“And who might you be interrupting our tea party?” asked a man with a pipe, in a tone a little too harsh for a little girl. Lucy started to whimper feeling completely terrified, but still answered,

“W-w-w-w-w-wel-l-l, m-m-my n-n-na-ame i-is L-lucy,” she sniffled feeling tears well up in her eyes,

“Well that is great, but why exactly are you here? I don’t think you were invited,” The same man replied with the same harshness, earning a glare from the cat man and the crazy men. Lucy flinched at his statement bringing her little fists up to rub her eyes that now had coppice amounts of tears streaming from them,

“G-g-g-g-g-g-gomen, g-gomen, I-i-i-i-I’m j-j-j-j-j-j-just l-l-l-l-lost a-a-a-a-and c-c-c-c-cof-f-f-fused,” Lucy whimpered letting her shaky knees give way, collapsing onto ground now bawling her eyes out. Everyone continued to stare at the small, traumatized girl as she cried her eyes out, they had no idea what to do. They had never really had to deal with an emotionally distraught girl weeping uncontrollably at their feet. Cheshire glanced at his fellow wonderlanders, deciding someone had to deal with this poor girl, he stood up and walked towards her. Once he reached Lucy he bent down and picked her up, wrapping his arms protectively around her small body,

 “You know what, Lucy? We’re all a little lost here, why don’t we all be lost together?” He said softly the same crazy smile on his face as he used the cuff of his shirt to wipe away the tears on her face. Lucy clutched the man’s shirt and buried her face in his shoulder before giving a small nod of approval.

Ok so I rewrote that. I know I made the caterpillar guy mean, but in the original movie and the book he is a real jerk. So I thought why not make him the mean guy in this situation? Anyways please R&R and I will update soon! J


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