Chapter Thirteen

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Sorry for taking a long time on my uploads, but I got a whole lot chapters to post right now. So please leace a comment and tell me what you think. I don't care if you're blunt or not just tell me what you think. =)

Chapter Thirteen

The September month went by fast as the Homecoming Dance came closer. The school walls and lockers were covered with posters for the dance and for the events of that week. Apparently Homecoming week was a festival only meant for the high school students. Since kids and adults did not participate in the events that went on in the school day.

Now Eden being a kingdom made up of fairies, elves, wingless flyers, of course they were going to have tons of traditions and festivals, but never as strange as the humans have theirs, not even close.

Alice remembers the first time she witnessed these traditions last year. It was the week before Homecoming and there was a lot of excitement, it seemed like everyone was talking about it. How they were going to dye their hair or bring in these weird crazy hats or these glasses, or how they were going to dress like the famous.

When it did come, it was the strangest week that she could think of. On the first day it was twin day; where two people would dress similar as if they were twins, the next day was backwards day; where everyone wore their shirts, belts, and some people even did their pants backwards. The last day was clown day and Alice went home and told Will how crazy the humans were.

Last year she did not participate because she was new, and because she also did not know Brittney. And Brittney was into all the events on the list. Though there were a couple events that were being repeated, not all of them sounded out there.

Monday would be one of the more normal events as it was class color day, and all the seniors would wear red, Tuesday will be decades day and everyone would have to dress up according to their graduating class and the senior’s would dress as the 80’s decade, Wednesday was hat day, Thursday was spirit day, and Friday was Senior Nerd day one of which Alice plans on calling sick day after witnessing it last year.

Humans and their strange customs, Alice thinks as Brittney finishes reading the list. Alice grins as Brittney gives her a smile that could only tell how excited she is. As much as Alice did not want to participate in the school’s events, she could not help feigning excitement seeing Brittney.

“I so cannot wait for Decades day and Nerd day, they are going to be the best day of the week,” Brittney says eating her lunch.

Alice continues poking at her pasta salad as Brittney went on about getting her wardrobe ready for those days. Knowing that would only cause more excitement because that would mean she would have to go shopping, one of Brittney’s two favorite things.

“Alice, you don’t look like you’re excited about any of this,” Brittney says noticing Alice’s bored expression. She folds up the flyer, and puts it in her bag. “You’re not into these kinds of things are you?”

Not knowing how to say it, Alice just shakes her head. Alice wishes she could take it away seeing Brittney’s grin start to disappear, but she thought that she was lying about herself enough.

Brittney shrugs, “It’s okay if you don’t, and a lot of people at the school don’t like getting that crazy.”

“You do not mind if I do?” Alice asks looking at her skeptically. Feeling as if Brittney was going to tell her she does and that she needs to because then everyone would think Alice was strange. That was what Isabel the event coordinator would do when there was a guest-with a son her age coincidentally-would do if Alice did not want to act the part of a princess.

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