Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

“I don’t really want to go home,” Brittney says as she sits on the window seat of Alice’s room. “I know that if I do, I’m going to have to face my parents.”

Alice is making her bed as she listens to her friend. “I think you should go talk to at least your mother,” Alice says. She feels a tinge of annoyance since Brittney was trying to avoid her parents. The problem was Alice always had a hard time trying to get enough time to talk to hers, even before the war started. Finding five minutes into their time was like a blessing.

“He cheated on her, and she took him back,” Brittney says. “I just can’t look at them or talk to them right now.”

Alice sits down on the bed facing Brittney. “You should not avoid your parents. I mean at least you have a choice of seeing yours,” She says.

There was a knocking on the door, and both of them turn to see Will with his knuckle on the white painted door. He looks at Alice for a second before turning his attention on Brittney. “I just wanted you to know, but your parents are on the porch,” Will says. He nods his head silently and walks out of the room.

Brittney looks at Alice. “Can you tell them that I’m still asleep?”

Alice crosses her arms and stands up. “Go talk to them Brittney.” She grabs her friend’s arms and starts pulling her out of the seat.

Rolling her eyes, Brittney does not try to keep herself from being pulled off the seat. So when Alice does manage to get her off, Brittney is very shocked and surprised. “Wow you’re strong,” She says. “I didn’t know you worked out.”

“Do not try to change the subject,” Alice says pulling her to the door. Putting more strength, since now Brittney realizes how strong she is and trying not to get pulled. “Stop being a baby, and go talk to them.”

“But I don’t want to.”

Alice drops her hands and shrugs her shoulders. “So what, you want to not have a relationship with them?” She gestures her arms toward the hallway, “Because that is going to happen.” She cocks her head when Brittney does not answer. “Do you not want to know why your mom was taking him back?”

Brittney looks at the floor and crosses her arms, and shrugs.

“Brittney you have a choice of speaking to your parents,” Alice says. She puts her hands on her chest. “I wish I had that.”

Looking back up at Alice, Brittney gives her a wry smile. “Fine, I’ll go talk to them.” She walks past Alice and heads down stairs.

Alice walks out of her room, and was about to go down stairs when she sees Will in his bedroom. She stands at the threshold watching him.

There was a black duffle bag on his bed, and he was packing his bow and arrows into it. Alice notices that his shirt was open at the top. A lock of hair was over his face, just the way she liked it.

He rubs his neck while looking at the bag contemplating on something. He turns to the door finally seeing Alice. They look at each other for a long time, before Will turns and goes into his closet.

Daring herself, Alice walks into his room and places a hand on his back. “Will is there something wrong?”

“No,” Will answers without turning around. “Just trying to think of what I need at the clearing, and if there is something I need to teach you.”

Alice shakes her head. The clearing is the last place she wants to be alone with Will. Every time they are there, something inside Alice happens that she thinks of Will more than just a friend. And at this point she really does not want to think like that, especially there.

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