Dead inside

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(Y/N) 's POV

Hearing his words, was more than enough for me to confirm that he was a devil. My whole body was writhing in pain, whenever i tried to move even a bit, so fighting him was out of question.  He knew it, that is the sole reason he beat me up like this, so that i couldn't fight back. Such a coward. 

He lowered himself on me and I immediately moved my face to the side. My tears pouring down the side of my cheeks. I moved my already injured wrist towards his shoulder to try and push him away, but he just grabbed it and held it down. I hissed in pain as the cut on it throbbed under his hold. Giving no regards to it, he licked my ears as i shivered in disgust. 

"Taehy... Please st... Stop it." I barely made the words out of my mouth, when he started laughing lightly still in the same position. His breath sent shivers down my spine. He was laughing at my pathetic form, laughing at state he put me in because of the power he had over me. I hate this human from every cell of my body. He will rot in hell. I knew he was staring down at me, only a cm away from my face. My only mistake was that i shifted my gaze to look up at him. As soon as we made eye contact, it was like he was waiting for me to see my end. He smirked at me, his gaze piercing through my soul. Jerking forward, he started kissing my neck aggresively. 

With all my strength i tried to free my hands from his rough grip, but it was useless. Eventually he left my one hand only to hold both myhands in one of his, still maintaining his grip on me. 

He started fiddling with my top with one of his hands, and soon getting irritated by it he growled in anger and tore it away. 

Till now i was crying so loudly like it was the end of the world, well it was for me. My body had given up but my mind was cursing at myself for being so weak. I was so embarrased that i just wanted the ground to swallow me up. 

He was like a wolf, devouring my almost dead body in such speed like if he left me for even a second i would vanish. His touches were all over my upper body. He soon threw my bra off of me, and examined me. Soon he started sucking and fondling them. It may have been a pleasure for him, but for me, it was only pain and pain and pain, which i knew deep in my heart, was not going to stop here. 

He was gripping me very hard and also slapped my breasts and my cheeks for no reason. I was so sure it would leave marks on me. Well it was going to leave some marks on my heart anyway. 

"Cry more..." he said gripping my hair and pulling at it. "I like to hear your cries. It makes me so hard. A beautiful, damaged, little girl... Struggling  under me for freedom." 

Leaving me hair he put his hands inside my pants and pushing my underwear aside, he started touching me there. This was like a 100 degree torcher for me. I tried to shout at him. Tell him to get the f out of that room, but what came out of my mouth was only small whimpers of pain. 

He took of my pants and underwear like in the speed of light and made me completely naked. Before i could stop him he parted my legs and sitting between them, he kept staring at me. This was so embarrassing to me. It was my first time anybody had seen my privates let alone touch them. I had never even kissed anyone. 

I knew i was dry down there, because of obvious reasons, but i was scared that it would hurt his ego that he couldn't turn me on. But it was like it didn't matter to him. He just lowered himself and started sucking me. Wtf!!! I tried to kick him but my frail kicks were not enough to push him away. In my whole life i had never thought i would be a victim of all this, even when i did nothing wrong to him. We think that nothing bad can happen to us unless it does, and then we are totally unprepared for it. 

He kept sucking me and soon inserted his two fingers in me. I could not take it anymore and screamed as loudly as i could. It burnt like hell, to be honest. And worst of all, he took them out only to push them in me with full force again. I kept thrashing, but he didn't stop. 

When he was satisfied he just sat up again and kissed me lightly. I was shocked for a second from his sudden light touch. "Look at me" , he said in the most tender voice, i ever heard come from his mouth. In my shocked state, i couldn't comprehend anything, and i looked up at him with my teary swollen eyes. He was smiling at me very sweetly and i was confused as hell. 


Before i could even complete a word he thrusted himself in me. My eyes widened in shock and my mouth opened in a silent scream. It was too much to bare. I was dry, and he had no regards of it. He took my virginity just like that, not even a warning. My tears wont stop flowing and my body could not even move due to the excess pain. 

He just kept thrusting in me while forcefully kissing me, sucking my boobs like an animal and then slapping me. I had no expectation of him stopping now. It had already been half an  hour and his grunts and moans was just a poison to my ear. My head to the side, jerking with each of his thrusts, my eyes open and tears silently flowing from my eyes. 

In that moment i just wished to be dead. 

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