°It's over, ins't it°

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Gilbert x Greece (x John)

Warning; Sadness

Request; ; The characters presenbel ow belong to him, as well as the history in general, I will only be in charge of writing his writings and publishing them, so ... count as a collaboration, I think.

I was fine, with the men
who would come into her life, now and again

The night was cold, the only brightness was the moon that filtered through the curtains of the room, the only sound that could be heard were the crickets of the patio and the breathing of the little girl in the crib

Gilbert's eyes were exhausted, with dark circles under his brown eyes, his body was leaning against the entrance of the large balcony overlooking the front patio of the house, a sigh escaped his lips watching the sleeping body of his "Daughter"

The small strands of hair that adorned his head, the shape of his face and the clarity of his eyes made his mind get confused, it did not look like him, but ... it was the perfect combination of Greece and another man ... John

I was fine, cause I knew
that they didn't really matter until you

Gilbert was not stupid, he knew that between his late wife and his best friend there was something, they were always very close, more than it should be, Gilbert saw the way John looked at his wife, with eyes full of love and desire

Even so, with his heart charged with the feeling of betrayal, he was always an exemplary husband, who treated his wife and daughter in the best possible way, although his heart ached, the connection between his wife and a friend was the only solution for the theme of the girl and there was nothing else to do.

Your mind is lost in questions that will never be answered, as I had not seen before in the relationship between them. Everything looked good and perfect, until John came forward, the face of Greece looked more cheerful when he was with him.

I was fine, when you came
and we fought like it was all some silly game
over her, who she'd choose

Those stupid fights that led them to break that friendship for years, Gilbert perfectly remembers the day he realized the way John looked at his wife, that afternoon between words of hate and screams, a friendship broke, then came the theme of the girl and there was when everything between them came to an end.

after all those years, I never throught I'd lose

There was never a loser, Gilbert would remain in a stable relationship with Greece and never forbidden him to see John Until that day, that day ... Greece left two hearts heavy with pain. It's over... isn't it?

And finally, the day that Greece left the world all over, John and Gilbert never spoke again and now there was only Gilbert and Eleanor, his daughter.

isn't it?
Isn't it over?

Gilbert's eyes filled little by little with tears in the memory of that day, that day Eleanor brought a spark of happiness and instructed Greece to turn it off.

It's over, isn't it?
isn't it?
Isn't it over?

He loved her, more than anything, the pain caused by his departure was not small, every night his tears ran when he realized that the side he had next to him in the bed was empty.

you won and she choose you and she loved you and she's gone

But she did not love him, she only had eyes for John, she gave her heart to another man, they loved each other, and all that ended when she left.

It's over, isn't it?

It's over, she's gone, it was just him and his little girl.

why can't i move on?

Why the hell was it still hurting that she was gone? A year later, he should let her go at once and forget this pain, but no, there he was, again crying to the past.

war and glory, reinvention
fusion, freedom
her attention

the memory of the ball where they met, he was a soldier and she a woman who wanted a difference, he remembers how he spoke almost in love with freedom against Britain, that he was a soldier who had filled his eyes with hope and hope.

out in daylight, my potential
bold, precise, experimental

She wiped her tear-filled eyes with the sleeve of her shirt and looked back at the crib where the girl was still asleep.

Who am I now in this world without her?!
petty an dull with the nerve to doubt her

There was still for her, because I knew that nobody else would be for that little girl, many times I thought about leaving this world, I had gone through so many sorrows that I felt that I had no place in this world.

what does it matter it's alredy done?!
now i've got to be there for our son

It was time to get up, that girl would grow up and had to be strong, her support would be, there would be when she needed it, she was her new treasure, she was his reason for life now, she was his "Greece".

I look at the moon for the last time, "maybe she is the view from the top", with that thought closed the large windows, the curtains and the way to the bed.

it's... over, isn't it?
isn't it?

Yes ... She has already left, she does not have to keep suffering for her, now she has more things to do, now she has to be with her daughter.

isn't it over?
it's over, isn't it?!
isn't it?!
isn't it over?!
you won and she choose you and she loved you and she's gone!
it's over, isn't it?
why can't I move on?
it's over, isn't it?
why can't I move on?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2019 ⏰

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