Last Moment with You

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Okay, so tomorrow will be episode 99 of VRAINS and although I am excited for the final duel against Playmaker and Bowman (Yet everybody else is not), but I am still a mess on Revolver's death, and yet, the writers of VRAINS didn't exactly made Playmaker cry over Revolver's death, I mean, Revolver is Playmaker's special person for crying out loud! So, I'm writing the Revolver death scene again, but how I wanted it to be. And yes, I know I wrote Conquering My Fears Just For You that already has Revolver's death in it, but please know that I wrote this before episodes 96 and 97 were released and before I even knew that the Revolver vs. Lightning duel was going to be a 3 part duel and I thought Spectre was going to be hostage that Lightning uses, not Jin, okay? Now, onward to the story!

The black smoke is is surrounding the flower field after Lightning made that move. I can't believe he would sacrifice himself to have a tie between him and Revolver.

I couldn't care less about Lightning, I need to find Revolver and make sure he was okay.

The smoke was starting to clear up a bit and I've stop running as I spotted Revolver, just lying there on his back where the bellflowers are. It just dropped my heart when I saw him like this.

"Revolver!" I shouted and I fell on my knees by Revolver's side, "Revolver! Are you okay?!" I asked in a concern voice.

I saw him stir a little as he is trying to wake up, but it hard for him to do that. "Pull yourself together, Revolver!" I told him.

Soon, Revolver opened his eyes and then he looked at me with tired eyes. His visor is cracked from the attack. "Playmaker?" His voice is even cracked. He looked horrible.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

Revolver gave me a frown a bit. "I feel like crap," he said in a upset tone, "I didn't expect the Light Ignis to destroy itself," he then smiles a bit, which surprised me that he is smiling, even after Lightning made the tie, "I let my guard down."

"Revolver! You did well!" Ai said. I have to agree with him. Revolver tried his best to defeat Lightning.

Revolver looked at Ai as he is still smiling, "Heh. Thanks. I didn't expect the Dark Ignis to tell me that I did well, even though the Light Ignis destroy itself to get a tie."

I keep wonder, if you win the duel when you are in Mirror Link VRAINS, you are safe, but if you lose when you are in Mirror Link VRAINS, you die, just how Spectre, Blue Maiden, Kusanagi-san, and Soulburner have perished when they lost, but what happens when you get a tie?

"Revolver, what happens if you ended a duel with a tie in Mirror Link VRAINS? Does it mean you're safe?" I asked, praying that he won't answer of the opposite of my question.

Revolver looked up to me, with that same smile on his face. "Even if you have a tie, it doesn't always mean you are safe."

It's just as I feared. Revolver is going to disappear in front of me, just like the others. My eyebrows knotted when he said that and I felt something about to crack inside my chest. Why am I feeling like this?

"You know, I never told you this, but when I was young, I'd lay down on a flower field and look up in the sky, like how I'm doing now," he said, which made me confused. Why is he telling me this as he is about to die? He turned and look up at the dark sky, "I'm reminded of those times." He closed his eyes for a bit as he is remembering his childhood. A childhood before the Lost Incident happened.

"Why?" I asked. I'm so confused by all of this as my chest is hurting for no reason at all, "Why do you go to a flower field and just look up in the sky?"

Revolver opened his eyes, but he doesn't look at me, he keeps looking at the sky. "Because of my mother."

I raise my eyebrow in confusion. "Your mother?"

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