Sinful Desire (sasuke x reader lime)

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(Updated and edited)

You held the katana in a offensive stance as the cool breeze blew from your right, ruffling your long, silver hair. You noted a change in the wind and narrowly dodged two kunais aiming for your heart.

Phew, that was close.

You closed your eyes and positioned yourself, trusting the grass to hide the sound of your footsteps. There was a slight sound to your left, and you quickly sent two shuriken flying into the bush.

No sound.

A cloud sailed over the sky and covered the full moon. Great. Now you can't see shadows either. You backed towards a tree and held your katana in a defensive stance. Overhead, you hear a hawk flapping her wings and eyeing a mouse that scurried from underground.

The zephyr whispered in your ear as you began to get the hang of where he is.

Ha, got you.

Overhead, the hawk soared and dived towards the mouse as you raced towards where you think he is. You deflected two kunai knives with your sword and rushed towards the bush. Right before you thrusted your sword into the bush, you picked out three daggers from your thigh sheath and sent it flying towards the right. You smirked as a small wince came from behind the bush and you knew your daggers have found their mark. The hawk dived in and caught the mouse by the tail.

Sauntering, you stepped into the small area behind the bush and found him pinned tightly on the tree by your daggers.

"How was that for hunting, Uchiha?" you asked, smirking. He snorted and looked away.

"I went easy on you," Sasuke Uchiha replied, despite being tightly pinned to the oak tree.

"Sure you did," you rolled your eyes and stepped forward to free Sasuke. First the one that pinned him by the collar, then the one by his sleeve, then the one that held the purple rope he uses to hold his pants up. He rubbed his arm and you realised that blood was dripping from a cut.

"Oh dear, Sasuke hurt," you mocked, still triumph about your victory. Something flashed and instantly you were pinned to the tree with a kusanagi on your neck.

Damn it.

He dragged the sword and left a small cut on your neck before walking again. You cursed and stumbled behind him, while drawing out a long needle...

"Sasuke!" a whiny voice called and tackled him from the right. They tumbled in a blur of red hair and dark blue hair. The cloud moved away and the moonlight casted a natural spotlight on the heap of tangled limbs. Despite how annoying Karin is, you were slightly grateful that she was the one who tackled him, therefore receiving his full wrath. Sasuke groaned and cursed as he tried to peel her off, but she held on tight, and you couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh gosh, look at that," You taunted as the rest of Taka caught up. Sasuke scowled and after managing to push her off, stood up and stalked towards out hideout with Karin following like a blind, lovesick girl. You could hear Sasuke mutter "Baka" as Karin attempted to snuggle up close and hug him again.

Back in the hideout, You took off your old  Akatsuki coat, flung it on to the ground and stared at the tall, menacing woman in the mirror. She had a beautifully terrifying face, exotic like a cougar's and her seemingly curved body was protected by light yet effective armour. You undid your hair and laid on the soft bed then began to drift off.

"Tora," a voice whispered.

"Tora," it demanded, louder.

"Tora!" a hand reached down and shook you from sleep's grasp. You sat up and banged your head on another head. You winced and scowled, then started to get your bearing.

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