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I need to get out of here

I stand up from the bed I'm in clutching myself for warmth.

It's so dark. So dark... And cold.. They won't be gone for long... I need to get out..

I fumble shakily for the bed sheet and I wrap myself tightly in it. I look around hastily gasping for air. Then I spot a small window, the faintest moon light trickeling. Wobbling I stumble over to it. I reach up and unlock it with some difficulty, and push it open. I hear foot steps coming towards the room my heart starts to race faster.

I climb out the window eager to escape, my feet hit the ground and I fall onto my knees the jagged rocks that were outside the window digging into my already tender flesh. I pay it no attention at that moment.

I stand up and stumble as fast as I can away from the house and towards the road.

I start to cry, the pain of all that's happened starting to set in on me again. I fall a few time but finally make it to the road. I fall to my knees once again trying to catch my breath.

Then when I'm ready I stand again trying to flag down a car.

"Please"- I whisper my voice horse tears streaming down my face. -"please help me..." I sink down to the ground in defeat I can hear the three boys that put me in the room yelling in the house. I pull my knees to my chest and sob. They're going to get me again...

Ten minutes later I hear breaks in front of me and I look up blinded by tears. I see a blurry figure step out of a car.

"Hello? Why are you out here all alone? Can I help you?" A man's voice asks. I sniffle.

"Please I-" I'm cut off by shouting getting closer. -" they're coming, pl-please help me..." I beg.

He looks confused by the shouting, when he looks back down at me he studies me. I know exactly what he sees.

A small girl wrapped in a baby blue sheet stained with blood. My body covered in cuts, bruises and my own blood, my dark hair matted and tangled. He sighs softly and snaps at someone.

"Get her in the car. Be careful but be fast." The man gets in the back seat of the car as two more me step out of the car and come over to me. The larger man gently lifts me, like I'm a fragile doll, and carries me to the car. The other opens the door and sets me gently in the back seat.

"Please don't hurt me.." I whisper, my voice still horse.

"We won't." The man's voice comes from besides me. He touches my head gently. "Now. Sleep." I nod, somehow feeling safe. The gentleness of his voice and how seriously the other men took his words to be careful with me put me at ease.

I am. So. Very. tired. The car starts moving, the gentle rocking and soft sounds of the engine calm my mind more. I'm getting farther and farther away. The thought brought a small smile to my cracked lips, And a few minutes later I'm asleep with my head in a stranger's lap.

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