With him?

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It's my 3rd week of classes at Julliard and I am loving it! I've met so many cool people here, including my roommate Kylie. Oh shit, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Alice! I'm 18 and studying band at Julliard. Luckily for me on a full ride. I guess you could say I'm sort of a fucking prodigy or whatever. ANYWAYS, back to my day. I have one class left and it happens to my longest class yet, its about 4 hours long and it meets twice a week and some Saturdays. It sounds really dreadful but believe me when I say I love this class. It's so fun and easy, its basically just performance full orchestra. No biggie. Right?

I walk into the hall and take my seat pulling out my flute and tuning it while my conductor walks in with this somewhat tall, blonde, skinny white boy who's holding a violin case. I turn to my stand partner, who also happens to be my roommate and friend Kylie,

I nudge her, "who is that?"

"I don't know, I've never seen him before but he's kind of cute" she says

I suck my teeth at her smiling "Interesting."

Our conductor grabs the mic and starts to speak "Good evening class, I'd like to introduce you all to our new first chair violinist, Cole Jardin"

The hall erupts with claps and he continues "He'll be joining us for the rest of the semester, so please take care of him"

I turn to Kylie and mutter "I wonder what happened to BM"

"Probably finally got caught drinking again, dumb bitch" she said as she rolled her eyes. Together we just burst out laughing and carried on with rehearsal

*3.5 hours later*

"Okay everyone shut it, we're gonna call it for tonight. Have a goodnight everyone and see you on Thursday. Alice and Cole please come see me" Dr. Johnson said

I was so confused, what did he want to see me for? I told Kylie I'd meet her back at our room and made my way to the front of the stage. Cole joined me several seconds later

Dr. Johnson began, "Cole, this is Alice, she's our first flute, been playing since God knows how long" "Alice this is Cole, as I mentioned before our new first chair violinist. You're both probably wondering why I called you both up here"

We nodded in unison

"Well I wanted to inform you that I signed you both up to perform at the winter showcase at the end of semester, you'll be doing a duet together" he cheekily, looking quite proud of himself.

"A duet? Dr. Johnson are you sure this is a good idea?" Wtf? A duet with this kid? I don't even know him let alone know how he plays, well hes good enough to be first chair but that doesn't mean he's good enough to play with me, smh. I look over at him and he seems so geeked about it.

Cole starts, " That sounds like an amazing idea, thank you Dr. Johnson for the opportunity, we wont let you down!"

"Oh yes, I know you wont. You guys are free to choose whatever style you want, just make sure its perfected" Dr. Johnson finished and started to walk away

I too start to walk away and finish packing up my things. I walk out the hall and Cole catches up to me

"I don't think we were able to properly introduce ourselves, I'm Cole Jardin, I'm a freshmen. I just transferred here from St. Johns, and you?"

"Alice Grant, also a freshman, but not a transfer" he giggled at that

"Nice to meet you Alice, well this is me" he points over to a brick building "we should exchange contact info so we can plan our rehearsals!!"

I nodded in agreement and gave him my number

" OKAY GREAT!! BYE ALICE!!" he screamed as he ran off into the building

I really have to do a duet with him?


Hi guys this is my first story and i hope it goes well, feel free to leave any comments and suggestions.

I'm going to try and upload a new chapter every few days or once a week.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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