Chapter 1

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A few High-Tech, military vehicles are driving through an area. The cars come to a complete stop, as another vehicle is seen in front of theirs. A an African American with black hair apparently owns the vehicle. Two men are in the car. They exit.

Man #1: Safe to say winter is common here, Briggs.

Briggs: Indeed it is...

Man #2: ..So how long have you been here?

Briggs: At least since this afternoon. As you know..

Briggs shows off his badge. It says "Vitro."

Briggs: I do research for a living. I was simply called in.

Man #2: How come nobody's spotted this before?

Briggs: Look around you! Things change on a constant basis here.

Man #1 gets a worried look, as Man #2 seems to be fine.

Man #1: what exactly did you find?

Briggs: Would you believe me if I claimed it looked like it came from cosplay?

Man #1: No.

Briggs looks off into the distance with other Vitro members surrounding the area he's gazing at.

Briggs: Now we are just researchers. So we don't have that fancy, high-Tech equipment.

Man #2: Well we do.

The two men head to their trunk, and pulls out some type of high-tech drill.

Man #1: This baby digs deep. Don't break her.

Briggs: Why are you referring to your drill like that?

Man #2: It's...just a thing he does. Anyways—

Man #2 goes to walk, but he, his partner, and Briggs eye something in the air...

A GIANT ship is towering above them.

Man #1: What the?

The ship starts dropping various objects over the actual lab.

Briggs: How did they find us?!

Man #1 looks up to see a certain symbol.


Lions head, with a goats body seen behind it, and a..tail?

Man #1: Chimera..

Briggs: Move move! Find a vehicle and escape!

Briggs walks towards the area where they were going to dig, and dodges a lazer, that cuts into the ground.

Man #1: What are you doing?!

Briggs: They can't get this! I take this to the grave!

Man #1: And to think I actually thought you were a sane person.

Man #1 let's out a reluctant sigh, and starts shooting at the Chimera plane!

Inside the lab, various researchers are running for their lives, as a hooded figure steps off the plane, and throws his hoodie off. A lead scientist hears this, and sees the container in a secret door.

Scientist: He'll never get you as long as I live.

He however ducks a shot that makes holes in the door, more footsteps approach.

Scientist: Krane...Chimara official...

Krane enters with a smirk on his face. He throws a Molotov at the door, as it burns down..

Krane: It took me a lengthy amount of time to find this place. You don't get enough praise.

Krane pulls out his blade.

Krane: But...I'm only going to ask this one time...and one time only...

Krane grabs the scientists and pins him into a wall.

Krane: the Octahoran?

Scientist: ...Go to hell..

Krane: Wrong answer....

Kranes men are struggling with a container/pod of some sort. It has a face with two brown eyes, and no mouth.

Krane: It's a shame. You had a great did I, and that's what we have in common.

Krane turns to the container.

Krane: But you had one flaw. This isn't a treasure someone buries...

The container isn't opening.

Krane: ..Now I'm a nice guy. So I'll give you one last shot. probably have a soulmate. Children? I have no need for them to die...but don't make me think twice.

The scientist looks terrified.

Krane: ...You haven't seen it?

Scientist: ....No.

The scientist slashes one of Kranes eyes, but he kicks the scientist down!

Krane looks down at the scientists nametag. It says "Greg Hughes, Lead Scientist."

Krane: Bluff.

Krane examines the container more, and taps the brown eye on the container. It starts opening, as Greg looks on, defeated.

Greg: ...Men like you have tried, and failed....go ahead, take it and see what happens. You'll still lose in the end as long as someone's there to stop you.

Krane closes the container.

Krane: I'm not foolish enough to make contact with my bare hands. And that day, Hughes...will not come to pass.

Krane grabs his pistol and shoots Greg dead.

Krane: ..Nab the container. Take it to homebase for your fellow soldiers.

The soldiers grab the container, and exit as Krane leaves with them.

Outside the lab, Man #1 and Man #2 are headed to their vehicle, shooting the Chimera ship.

Man #2: Where's Briggs?

Man #1: Opted to die with his research.

Man #2: Is he crazy?

Man #1: There's no doubt about it.

The 2 men hear an explosion, and see their vehicle in flames. They turn around, and they are both sprayed with bullets. Krane stands over Man #2, who looks at the dead Man #1. He looks back at Krane.

Krane: Be thankful you don't have to live through what I'm about to do...

Krane shoots Man #2 in the head, killing him.

Krane: Get the ship....

Krane walks towards his ship with his soldiers...


Nate: WOW. A loss of innocent lives. 

Cameraman: Sir, wrong story. 

Nate: *not paying attention* That's sick...but as common as someone screwing up your McDonalds order.

Nate gets up.

Nate: I'm in the mood for some Burger King...

The cameraman just looks confused. 

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