chapter 1

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Today has been an exciting day, my aunt, Giselle, and I was finally getting along. For years, we were back and forward. We had gotten our nails done and even got cute dresses to go out tonight. She said I was finally 18 and I was able to hang out with adults.

I thought finally they are going to treat me like my cousin, Liz, that they always compare me to. It was an exhausting and unnerving game of trying to keep up with someone who doesn't even realize how much of an impact they have on your life.

Arriving at the house, I began to have an unusual feeling like something bad was going to happen. Trying not to be a prude, I simply ignore it and carried on. Giselle kept quizzing me on questions, like what to say if someone wanted to know about me. For example, my age, who I was and how did we know each other. As the night approaches, we finished getting dress and headed to a party she had told my grandma we would be attending. However, when we stop at a liquor store and she came back with wine, the night felt young as we listened to music and let the wind blow through our hair. we arrived at a pool house place and she poured us a cup of wine each. 

"Just drink it fast and it might burn a little but that's okay," she instructed. I simply smelt it and the smell was so strong and disgusting I began to gag. Shaking my head to clear the smell, I simply chug it and tried to keep it down.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the window, making both of us jump. Giselle's boyfriend, Izea
, and another guy was right next to him.

"This is my friend, Louie. Louie, this is Amari", she simply introduced
Louie, stood there for a minute looking at me in deep thought making me self aware that I wasn't beautiful after a second he simply broke out of his trance and smiled.
"It's nice to meet you, "Louie said, sticking out his hand to shake it.
Than Giselle simply passed me a blunt and not trying to embarrass her I inhaled the smoke but the smoke began to burn my lungs. Starting to cough, I handed back to her and she took a hit. Not knowing if it was the wine or the weed but I began to feel relaxed and giggling, he grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles.

"So, Amari, how come I never seen you before," he asked. Before I could think of anything Giselle simply said: " she doesn't live down here she is just down to visit and spend time with her family for her birthday."

I just simply smiled and nod my head. " well I'm glad you are here and maybe we can hangout for your birthday?" he asked. Not knowing what to do, I simply just looked down and smiled. Louie grabbed my hand and I felt beautiful like for the first time someone would love me for me.
  As the night drew closer to the end, I felt so light whether is from the blunt or from the wine but I was so relaxed.
"Well we should get going. I'm ready to go to sleep and Amari wants to get some sleep, don't you?" she implied.
" Yes. It was nice to meet you and I hope you have a good night, " I smiled
" You too. I hope to see you soon, " he smiled. 
We buckled up to follow Izea to his house and when we got there we started to watch a movie. About 20 minutes into the movie, Giselle and Izea began to kiss and put his hand down her panties and began to play with her clit.
As she started to moan and his breathing got Huskie, he started to trail kisses down her neck. I couldn't walk out of the room because his roommate had company and I met the roommate. Trying to ignore them kissing loudly in the back, I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment and I looked down at my hands.

Giselle step in front of me naked and lifted my chin up. She began to kiss me, I stood frozen in shock because I knew it was wrong but it felt good as I began to melt into the kiss. I felt hands grasp my breast and they began to fondle my nipples with their fingers; I began to gasp. Deciding to just go with it, my pants began to slide down my legs and she slowly opened my legs. Tracing her patterns on my clit with her tongue through my panties, I felt my panties began to damp as I got wetter.

My eyelids began to get heavier and I could feel myself slip into a darkness. "Stop please," I whispered as I tried to get up. Giselle simply shushed me and said," Don't worry. Everything is going to be okay, just relax- she started to kiss me again and I slip into a darkness.

Slowly waking up, I felt the urge to pee. As I started to move I felt a sharp pain in between my legs like I was cramping. As I walk down the stairs holding on the wall with one hand and cringing every time I moved, I walked to the bathroom and peed. When I wiped myself I noticed I was bleeding a lot looking down I noticed there was a pool of blood on my panties.

My period came, I thought as I headed back upstairs to gather my stuff to shower. After I put a pad on and got dress into black leggings and a long shirt. I sat down and watch tv.

Two weeks passed and Giselle never mentioned anything about that night, I didn't bring anything up because I couldn't remember anything. I just assumed everything was okay because her whole attitude towards the way she approached me and addressed me was different compared to eleven years I had known my moms family.

As I started to focus on other things such as school, my period had started to get light and I began to notice that every time I had peed I felt a burning sensation and felt like it was just getting worse every time. so one day after I was going to mention it, my grandma, Mariam, announced we had a doctor appointment. The rest of the day flew by with the usual stuff such as making dinner for my siblings and making sure I had school stuff ready for the day after. Once everything was ready, went to bed at nine.


Hi, everyone! I hope that you enjoy this chapter and please give feedback. I would love to hear questions you may have. I know its short but I promise to write more asap.

love ya,


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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