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  In the village of Privet Drive, especially the 4th house, the Dursleys are sleeping quite peacefully. Unbeknownst to them, a child wrapped in a blanket was sleeping quite peacefully too, just outside of their house.

Petunia Dursley was just getting the milk, delivered by the milkman when she noticed an object covered in a blanket. When she uncovered the said object, she was shocked, to say the least, when she saw emerald orbs staring right back at her. She quickly took the basket, with the baby, and went inside their house.

"Vernon! Come here, I need to show you something.", said Petunia.

"What is it, Pet?", asked Vernon as he went to his wife.

"There is a baby I found right outside our door. I think it might be my sister's.", said Petunia as she showed his husband the baby.

"How can they just leave the boy outside our house?" wondered Vernon as he looked at the baby.

"Wait there's a letter included here. Look!" said Petunia as she opened the said letter.

"Dear Petunia Dursley,

This is Professor Dumbledore. I sadly have to announce the death of Lily and his husband James. I also want to say that, since you are his only relatives left alive, can you please adopt and provide Young Harry's needs until his seventeenth birthday? I promise that, while you think that magic is dangerous, if you adopt Young Harry, both Harry and your family will be protected by the blood wards installed by his mother.

Wishing you and your family good luck,

Professor Dumbledore"

"What do we do now, Pet?", asked Vernon as he looked at his wife.

"While I hate that I didn't get into that fancy magic school, I can't just ruin this child's life like that.", said Petunia with a frown on her face.

"But I thought you don't want to be associated with them anymore?" asked Vernon.

"This is just my way of apologizing to Lily after everything I've done to her.", said Petunia wiping her eyes to get rid of the tears that fell.

That day, Harrison James Potter-Dursley was born into the Dursley family.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2019 ⏰

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