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Childhood past

I remember how everything used to be so simple, I never used to worry, I was care free....That people is called childhood, something you can never go through ever again.

Remember all of it..

Most peoples childhoods weren't as expected, you know..the usual all happy jolly kind of childhood which most children are expected to have.


My name is Amy Rivers

Im 15 and yeah first year in High school..

As I grew up, I used to live with both my mom and dad.My dad never used to be around , it would be just me and my mom living together most of the time.

There was a time when he started spending time at home with us but it would be awkward for my mom, it was as if she didnt want him around for some reason .I used to so happy having him around , i'd always make sure I behave , he never liked it when I upset him.

He'd blame my mom each time I made a small little mistake , he go on saying she brought me up badly...Mom used to cry alot , I never understood why, I'd ask her multiple times and all she would say is "its nothing my baby, I'm okay".You could simply say I grew up in an unhealthy environment as a child, I still do .

My mom and dad would always used to argue and my dad would always leave for a while I got used to the fact of being alone most of the time because most of the time my mom was very distant .My family used to look soooo perfect in peoples eyes but they never got to the truth . My friends used to say I'm lucky to have a "rich" father . To them it looked like I was spoilt , all the stuff I used to get were supposed to make me feel better about his absence in my life. He never really cared about what I really wanted , I wanted him to be home everyday , he used to say "I'll be home later baby girl" and only came back weeks later. When he eventually came back he'd take me shopping and pick out clothes and stuff for me , things I never really wanted .

He thought spoiling me would cover up everything he did. At the age of 8 things began to change , I'd always ask my mom why my dad was never home. I didnt understand ..

My mom decided on talking to my dad about it, things turned out bad...Very bad! Every night he'd come home, sober or drunk, he'd beat my mom...I could'nt do anything, all I did was listen to her crying , calling out my name, the screaming ...All I could do was cry, wait until the crying stops and he leaves..Leaving her on the cold hard floor , bleeding and helpless.

Ofcourse back then I knew about the police and about reporting such things but in the back of my head I used to think he'd stop

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