Entry #1: Curry Fried Chicken

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As I hustled nonstop throughout my shift, working in a kitchen, sometimes make you question yourself – "Why am I even here?" We sweat and figuratively bleed out all our efforts and be underappreciated. Achieving greatness could wait. Because tonight, I couldn't wait to go home and sleep it off.

I was cleaning my station when I got distracted by the loud murmurs that my friends were making. They were gossiping, as usual. This happened often when all we get to talk about how we meet some guests that definitely had no experience in fine dining etiquette. Food would get returned because the portion was 'too small' for the price that they were paying. Other times, they would wonder why the steak was still raw even if they ordered it in medium-well. Those were just some of the things that we laugh about behind the scenes.
Since my shift was going to end soon, I stooped to their level of petty and joined in the gossip. I removed my dirty apron and bandana and went to them.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked them.

Leo nodded beyond the order counter which divided the kitchen and the bar to a certain table, "Check this out, mate. Lonely woman in a black dress. Do you think she'd been stood up?"

I just shrugged since I had no idea. Yet, another co-worker interrupted, "The servers have talked as well and said she's been ordering red wine all night. She actually has some dried up tears on her face."

They resumed on guessing what the real deal was. I zoned them out and looked out the counter to see the woman lost in thought while holding the stem of the wine glass, swirling the red liquid around. I could only see the side of her face. She looked pristine with her neat updo and posture that showcased her elegance. However, her face was expressionless, and you could see her eyes were really sad.

The restaurant was closing soon. What the woman needed was some good soul food. It was something that could always bring comfort when you eat it. This wasn't in our menu but tonight was an exception. I put on my apron again and started getting ingredients from the walk-in chiller.

"Um Dean, don't tell me you're going to impress that woman out there?" Leo criticized me for preparing a simple meal for this very troubled woman.

I gave him another silent shrug and went on to chop some vegetables. It wasn't about impressing people with the food I prepare. If you couldn't get that certain connection with a stranger, just present them with food that was specially prepared and let it do the talking. When that smile could shine through after the first bite, you knew you have done something right. You just earned that certain bond with that person in which you could go ahead and do the next step – Start to get to know them.

After marinating the chicken in curry paste mixture for a few minutes, I started preparing the Thai chile aioli for the dipping sauce. All I had to do now was fry the chicken and plate it in. The delightful smell in the kitchen immediately wafted throughout which piqued my friends' curiosity. They surrounded me around the stainless tabletop and watched me do the plating.

I wanted to take the food out to the woman. Before presenting her the dish, I fixed my hair a bit and smelled myself. Yep, definitely smells like grease and seasoning. There was no time for a clean shower.

She still hadn't noticed me while I was approaching. I slid the food in front of her, and she jumped in surprise. That was when our eyes met, she had these dark brown eyes that matched her beautiful complexion. Her startled face turned into confusion.

"Uh sorry, but I didn't order this," she muttered softly.

"I know. May I?" I asked for her permission if I could sit at the opposite end of the table. She hesitantly nodded and took a seat.

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