Chapter 1: Origin

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It was my first day of school, and I was forced to attend by my 'guardian'. It was a waste of time, time I could be using to something productive.
Instead, he slapped a bag on my shoulder and sent me on my merry way.
The only thing he was clear about was that I kept my 'identity' a secret. No one must know where I'm from.
Now I stood outside a door to a classroom, full of strangers. I was about to make my grand entrance when a girl around the same age spoke to me.
"Are you the new kid?" She asked as I turned around to meet her.
"Yeah, it's my first day and I'm kind of lost. Guess I've already made a bad first impression." I said as I looked at her.
She had long brown hair and sky-blue eyes. She wore a thin blue top that stopped just before it connected with her jeans, and the arms reached just passed her shoulders. She was beautiful.
"Don't worry, it's alright. A lot of people get lost on their first day." She smiled back at me. "Your class is actually the next on the left." She added.
"Right, thanks." I replied as we stood in the middle of the empty hallway.
"I'm actually supposed to show you around, how about a tour after school? For now, just follow your classmates to each room." She offered.
"Sure, I'd like that." I accepted her proposal.
I turned to walk towards my classroom when I was stopped by the girl again.
"Wait, aren't you at least going to tell me your name?" She asked
I stopped a moment, and I replied without thinking.
"Vex-Ol." I answered. "And you?" I asked.
"My names Ashley. Vex-Ol is a pretty odd name." She replied.
"I-It's European." I lied. "Just call me Vex." I responded as she walked towards her classroom.
"Alright then Vex, I'll see you after school." Ashley smiled as she opened the door to her class, and walked inside. Leaving me out in the Hall by myself.
I walked to the classroom I was supposed to be in and opened the door. The classroom was filled with people, funny enough. What did I expect, an empty room?
"Ahh, you must be the new student." The man at the front of the room said as I walked through the door.
"Yeah, that's me." I responded
"Alright, well take an empty seat wherever you can find one, umm.."
"Vex." I said as I took a seat at the back of the room.
"Right, Vex." He said slowly, as if trying to understand the name. He reverted his attention back to the class. "Well, lets get started then."

The class was interrupted by the deafening ringing of a bell. It clanged in my ears, deafening me.
I covered my ears with my hands, blocking out the sound.
After the bell finished, the echo still rang in my head. After a moment it stopped, and the man at the front told us to go off to lunch.
I kept a mental note not to use my hearing ability during school, as I stood up out of my seat.
Everyone seemed to file out of the room and head towards the same place: the cafeteria.
As I entered the cafeteria, I realised that this was where the entire school ate.
The students were basically divided into groups as they sat at different tables.
They had a variation from small, nerdy kids at one table, to bigger, athletic kids at another.
There was a group consisting of girls wearing pink and applying something called 'makeup' on themselves.
Then I saw the group that seemed to get the most attention, a group of guys that all wore matching jackets, a blue bass with silver sleeves. They all had a logo on the back with a knights helmet, and writing around it that read 'Metropolis Knights'.
They sat with a group of girls who wore thin shirts and skirts with matching colours.
They must have been the school sports team.
I grabbed a tray and waited in line with everyone else, seemingly waiting for food.
After a few minutes and a slow-moving line of hungry teenagers, I finally got food on my tray, consisting of a green mushy liquid in a bowl: soup, a stick of bread, and a lump of unidentifiable meat.
At the end of the line, there was a basket full of bright red apples, I grabbed one and rested it on my plate with the rest of my food.
I exited the line and looked around the room for an empty seat.
I found one at the end of the sports team's table and made my way over to it. As I got to the table, I set the tray down, and sat on the empty seat. For some reason, the entire room seemed to slowly silence.
As I looked up to see what it was, I was met with everyone's eyes staring towards me.
The guys in the sports team began to get out of their seats.
"What's the problem?" I asked as I looked back at the crowd.
"Are you the new guy?" I heard a voice from behind me ask.
I turned around to look at who asked the question. I was met with another guy on the sports team.
"Yeah, I'm Vex." I answered.
"Listen, since this is your first day, I'll take it easy on you." He smirked. "Get off the seat, and sit somewhere else. Or I'll move you myself." He stood there, waiting for me to move.
"I don't see any reason for me to move, I'm just like everyone else in this room, hungry. So if that's all you have to say, then you can leave now." I turned around to the tray and grabbed the apple I had taken from the basket at the end of the line.
Before I took a bite, I heard a crashing of a bowl off the ground.
Out of instinct, I ducked my head down as a tray flew over my head and smashed into the guy who had been sitting to my left.
I turned my head around to see the guy standing in the same place, his face red in anger.
"Hey, What was that all about! You just hit him in the face, you moron!" I shouted at the guy who had previously threatened me.
"You cocky little twerp." He growled as he attempted to punch me in the face.
I ducked, avoiding his fist. Now realising that this guy was trying to fight me, I jumped out of my seat and stood away from the table.
"What's your problem? I was trying to eat my food!" I complained as the guy stood opposite from me.
Everyone in the room had crowded around us, encircling us, to watch the new guy get pummelled by the football team's captain.
The guy swung his right fist at me, attempting to punch me in the face yet again.
I pushed my head to the left, dodging his fist.
"Listen, I don't want to fight. Just let me eat my food." I tried to reason with him.
"Listen punk, you sat on my seat, at my table. You don't do that unless you got a death wish." He shouted at me.
"Wait. You're mad because I took your seat? Man that's low." I mocked him.
"Outside. Now." He commanded as he stormed out of the cafeteria, his 'friends' following him.
With the airhead now gone, I sat back down and took a bite out of my apple.
Everyone just stared at me as I took bite after bite.
"Hey! Why are you just sitting here new guy! Go out there and stop being a wimp." One of the guys friends shouted at me.
"He can wait. I'm busy." I said before I took another bite of my apple.
"You've got balls if your going to make Grant wait." Another one of his friends said. I took that as a compliment.
Everyone stared at me as I finished eating my apple. I don't know why they thought it was so intriguing, it was either that or they were amazed that I wasn't making a big deal out of being threatened by this Grant guy.
I threw the core in the bin as I walked over to the door. Before I left I grabbed another apple out of the basket, I would have it after I dealt with 'Grant'.
We were in the main car park for the school, and Grant was surrounded by his (for a lack of a better term) lackeys.
"Someone hold this for me." I said as I tossed the apple into the crowd of spectators.
"I'm going to teach you why you don't mess with Grant Andrews." Grant said.
"Oh great. He speaks in third person." I commented. "Let me guess, your parents let you get away with just about anything because they love their little baby boy, right?" I mocked.
"You little shit!" He shouted as he ran at me.
"Ooh, someone's getting angry." I said as I sidestepped, causing him to stumble as he ran passed me.
He tripped over himself and landed on the ground.
Grant turned around to look back at me.
"Well what are you waiting for? Get him!" Grant shouted at his lackeys.
"Great, well there goes my first impression." I grumbled as three other guys charged at me.
Two of them got to me before the third one did. They both swung at me from opposite sides. I grabbed the first guys arm, and swung him around, sending him crashing into the guy on the left.
As they both collapsed on the ground, the third guy swung his fist at my cheek.
Before he could connect his attack, I grabbed his wrist, spun around, and pushed my foot against his back and sent him straight into Grant who was coming towards me again. They crumpled on the ground as they collided skulls.
"Next time you interrupt me while I'm eating, I won't be so nice." I said to the group who shuffled on the ground.
I walked away from the crowd, as they stared on in shock at the group lying on the ground.
"Wait! You forgot this!" A girl shouted as she ran after me, holding my apple.
As she ran after me, I could tell she was hiding something. The way she 'carelessly' ran was too mechanic. It was as if she was making herself look physically weak.
As she caught up to me she held the apple out to me. That's when I noticed something was off. In her eyes I could tell she was planning something.
I grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards me.
"Who the hell are you?" I barked quietly.
"Ow, that hurts." The girl complained.
She had short brown hair, hazel eyes, and was about average height. She wore dark clothes and had a black bag over her shoulder.
"Listen, I'm not an idiot. Now tell me who sent you." I commanded as I stared coldly into her eyes.
She dropped the act and stared back at me motionless.
"What gave me away?" She asked calmly after a moment of silence.
"The obvious acting of being unfit, the almost mechanically bad stumbling, and that evil look in your eye." I replied. "But that's besides the point. Who sent you? And why are you here?" I asked again.
The girl sighed before answering my question.
"It was Batman, he sent me here to keep an eye on you, keep you out of trouble." She replied.
"Well you didn't do much of a good job did you?" I responded.
I let go of her arm and snatched the apple out of her hand.
"Well I already messed this up. I knew I was right about not coming here after all." As I finished talking I sped away before she could respond.

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