“Kyo, what’s wrong? Why are you crying? Was it something I said?”
“No, its just… its just painful memories.”
“What do you mean ‘painful’?”
“Well, you were right when you said that I didn’t want to talk about it, so when I met you, I just skipped what happened before I got on the boat. It’s just… it’s… it’s just too hard to talk about,”
“Oh come on. It can’t be that hard. I was able to tell you a painful memory of mine without crying. Did I cry?”
“You shed one tear..." he continued, still shedding tears of his own.
"Well… before I became a stowaway, I lived in an orphanage. When I was much younger, I overheard the adults talking about my parents. They said that they just didn’t want a child. They said they hated me and I was just a mistake. I was never meant to be. I had to work in the kitchen, helping the cooks because I was one of the oldest. There were only guys in the orphanage, not one girl. I always did want to go into the city, but then I would have to come back because I had nowhere else to go. The closest I could get to the city was from my window. The problem was the adults didn’t trust me. They wouldn’t let me leave. I had a great view from where my room was, but that’s all I had. I wanted to run away, but my own parents didn’t want me, so I couldn’t go to them. No one wanted a kid like me. The people that adopted only wanted the cute, perfect boys. I was all alone.
"One day, there was a girl who came to volunteer at the orphanage. Her name was Aurora, but she preferred to be called Rory. She was a strange girl, but she seemed to act like you, Sakura. She was fun, and would talk to me the most because I was the closest to her age. I really did like her a lot, but then one day, she got really sick. She stopped visiting the orphanage all together, and then… she just… died.
"I fell into a deep depression, and got into major trouble for not working. The punishment that the guys would earn was pain. I got so used to it, I barely felt it. I decided to finally run away, and find a family to live with. I searched and searched, and then finally found a home with a couple who were hoping to have a child. They took me in, took good care of me, and even enrolled me in school. I was about thirteen then, so I was going into middle school.
Once I started, everything was terrible. The guys picked on me because of my hair, everyone said I was possessed because of my eyes, I had the lowest grades in my class, and other, terrible things. I got to the point where one day, I just screamed to everyone ‘Can you bastards just give me a break already?! I’ve had a terrible life already, and I don’t need anyone making it worse for me! So why don’t you jerks just leave me alone?!’ The teachers heard what I said, and then assigned me a counselor. I had to go and tell the counselor my past, which was hard, and they said I was lying. I started screaming that it was the truth, but he wouldn’t believe me. No one would.
"The school called my so called ‘parents,’ and they explained what had happened to me. Somehow, word got around the school, and everyone seemed to take pity on me. I seriously wanted to punch everyone in the face for having pity on me just because of my life, but then I thought of something. Maybe if I looked like my life was good, everyone would stop.
The next day, I looked like the happiest guy in the world, but I felt even worse on the inside. I even started to do better in school, and then that’s when I started to mess around with girls’ feelings. I got a reputation as a player and a bad boy for doing that, but my life was good.
"One day, when I came home from school, I saw some masked men holding bloody knives, and behind them... were dead bodies. Those dead bodies were the people who called themselves my parents. I was frozen, in shock, not able to move. The robbers started to walk towards me, pointing the knives at me. I dropped my stuff and ran out the door. I started running, and I kept running for a long time. I finally realized that I had no home. Someone like me couldn’t have a place to call home, just a place that was temporary.
I kept running, not even caring about finding another family, until I saw a boat being loaded. I snuck onboard, hid in the cargo, and… well you know the rest.”
“Wow, that’s a whole life of hell… in my opinion.”
“It was. I just… I just wanted to find freedom in this world. Somewhere where I could have a kind family and friends, but it was impossible. I stand out way to much with my hair, my eyes, my personality, and my back story. The story of my life is what made me stand out the most.”
“I can tell. Well, you could always call this island home. I mean, you’ve got Ryoma, Rick and I to call a family. And the shelter itself can be considered a home, so why don’t you say this is your home? I mean, it won’t be permanent, but until we’re rescued, you could just call this home.”
Kyo looked at me, and I had a smile on my face, hoping that would cheer him up a little.
“Hey Sakura, could you come a little closer?”
I crawled a little bit closer, and Kyo patted the space next to him, which meant that he probably wanted me to sit down. I sat down next to him, and he hugged me, saying, “Thank you Sakura. I really do think of all you guys as family. The only difference is, I don’t think of you as family.”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“I think of you as something even more special.”
He pushed me away a little, and then kissed me right in front of Ryoma. We kissed for a while, and during that time, I was thinking holy shit, this is way too good to be true! I’m so happy right now. The only problem is… Ryoma. Is he going to try to murder Kyo once we’re finished? Or will something even more dramatic going to happen? I guess we’ll just have to find out. The kiss lasted a little bit longer, and then finally I pushed him away a little so I could breathe.
I looked at Ryoma, hoping he wouldn’t burst with anger. What I saw was him, beginning to cry a little bit. He pulled me up, pulled me into an embrace, and started to say, “Sakura, even if Kyo says you’re the most important girl in his life, I fell that way too, but only stronger. Sakura, I love you.” I look up, and then I find Ryoma kissing me. I’m feeling really confused right now. I mean, there are two guys who are kissing me, and I’m pretty sure they want to me to choose one of them. Who wouldn’t be confused?!
Ryoma finally pushes my face away a little, and Kyo is freaking out. I can see him being filled with anger, but his eyes beginning to fill with tears. Kyo runs up to me and pulls me close to him tightly. My question was why are they crying?
“Sakura, I truly do love you. Please don’t leave me to be alone. I already lost one girl, and I really don’t want to lose the girl I love even more. Please don’t leave me. You know how hard my past was. Please, stay with me.”
I don’t know what to say to the guys, but all of a sudden, I remember a dream I had. Then I remember a weird talking crystal that told me I had a strange gift. At this point, my head was flooding with my old memories, and I feel like I’m in pain with a migraine or something way worse. Kyo releases his grip a little and said, “Sakura? Are you okay?! What’s wrong?!”
I couldn’t reply because of the pain, so I start screaming, holding my hands on my head, and jerking myself around in pain. I hear in the background, “Sakura?! What’s wrong?!”
I keep remembering things so fast, seeing pictures and words flashing through my head. I feel like I’m going to die from all the pain. The pain finally stopped, but I started to cry. I thought for sure I was going to black out or something, but surprisingly I didn’t
“Sakura? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I remember everything… but, it all came back so fast, my head… I feel so… so dizzy…”
“Sakura, Sakura? Don’t faint on us, you’re just really dizzy from all the memories, but what caused you to cry?”
“I, I guess it was all the painful memories.”
“Do you mean something painful that happened before the cruise?”
“I think so, but can we go back to the shelter? I seriously need to lie down.”
“Sure, I’ll carry you.”
“Okay... thank you.”
The Mysterious Island of Lost Treasures
Ficção AdolescenteSakura has been stuck, alone, on an island with her only friend Rick the coconut. One day, she finds some footprints that don't belong to her. That's when she makes a new friend. After her and her new friend Kyo have some fun, a storm comes, bringin...