||-// [ l o a d i n g . . . ] ||-//
you werent here when i woke up
where am i, sunshine?
i miss your warmth.
-tyler||-// [ s t a r t i n g . . . ] ||-//
The sickening feeling in his stomach hadnt failed to worsen the longer he had been awake. The longer he was awake the more he realised he was alone, it made his heart beat quicken and breath speed up. Lonliness- he wasnt used to it. He need to find someone, he needed to find him, he needed to find-
"Josh!?" His voice cracked, panic settling its way into him any way it can. "Josh!?-" Alone. The word was repeating in his head like a set of digits he didnt want to forget.
He took in his surroundings, seeing nothing past the countless trunks of trees caging him in. From what he could tell, by looking past the dense cluster of leaves and branches, it was getting dark. He needed to make shelter and start a fire. Unfortunately for him it had rained recently, meaning that although he was surrounded by wood; he couldnt burn it seeming as it was damp.
Josh would be able to help him right now. He was much more clued up on survival skills than him, he knew how to find dry wood after it had been raining, how to start a fire with the bare minimum, how to find clean water, how to calm him down when he was scared.
[ e r r o r: c o r r u p t e d d a t a ]
[ d a t a h a s b e e n s k i p p e d ]
[ c o n t i n u e ]Hope is one of the few things that cannot only fuel your dreams but crush them.
Oh, how he missed Josh. He brought him hope that could never be crushed, speaking to him every night about the future. About how soon they'd be back to sleeping in, eating junk food till they puked, the flowers they'd see. Josh had promised: "Once all this is over, i promise we'll have a nice house- a garden too, with pretty flowers and trees". So he held onto that thought. The thought of the garden filled with the beautiful array of colours, the various plants that would cover the land.
Though he couldnt deny it. He was losing hope. The absence of Josh was eating away at him, corroding his positivity. Josh was- is his light
His hope.
His love.
His flower.
His sunshine.
||-// [p l e a s e w a i t . . . ] ||-//
i dont remember the bed being this cold.
where are you,
-josh||-// [ s t a r t i n g . . . ] ||-//
Josh hadnt been himself for a long while now. Ever since Tyler had dissapeared. The once warm and securing embrace of his sheets had soon became cold and harrowing without Tyler there.
He took a deep breath. Knowing that Tyler was strong and smart enough to take care of himself; that he'd be back to him in no time. Though that didnt dismiss the worry, if anything, it hightened it. Yes. Tyler is strong. And he is smart. So why isnt he back yet? He takes another deep breath. He'll be back soon.
He ignored the anxiety pulling at his chest and continued to stare at the dull pile of ash that had been a burning fire just, what felt like, moments ago. He had been told by multiple people that he should rest up, even though tonight he had his shift on night watch.
He stood up slowly, staring at the ash pile a few moments longer before rubbing his eyes and making his way to his and Tylers tent. He stripped off his shoes and shirt before lowering himself onto the sleeping bag on the floor, his backpain from the previous night having not relieved itself. He closes his eyes and yawns, laying on his side with his arm under his head.
Goodnight, buttercup.
[ s a v i n g . . . ]
[s u c c e s s f u l l y s a v e d ✅ ]
[ e x i t i n g . . . ]
[ g o o d b y e ! : ) ]