My First Words

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Hello reader friends~!!! I (again) don't own Hetalia in anyway, shape, or form! Canada rules the world~!!! I know, I'm special~ now to finally start my Canada one shot~!!! ''(^-^')


My head rested on my desk as I was being unnoticed again in class.  Not being noticed was nice sometimes, like when you trip or do something embarrassing, but it really sucks when it comes to making friends.  I haven't been called on to answer question or even during role call.  It's kind of depressing.  

The bell rings and it's time for classes to change.  I get up from my seat and look at the guy that I had a crush on, Matthew.  He was kind of like me but at least he is noticed when he says something, unlike me.  I've always wanted to talk to him, get to know him, but my lack of courage always gets in my way.  Stupid lack of courage, ruining everything for me.  My eyes lowered to the pile of books that I had to carry to each class.  I have always had a straight A in my report card so I don't know why I even bother carrying these useless books to each class.  My arms wrap themselves around the book and my legs carry me to the door, slowly but surely.  

As I walk up the stairs, I am passed by everyone and everything.  Today I had this ache in my chest that was bothering me, causing to feel tears forming in my eyes when someone passes by me.  I stop walking up the steps and put my books down and run to nearest exit.  My hand covering my red eyes filled with tears.  Speeding down the hall,  I pass by student and teacher alike, none noticing my sadness.  Finally I made it outside of the school and to the small maple tree that was abandoned in the back of it.  My hair blows softly in the cool breeze, just as the trees leaves do.  Why didn't anyone notice me?  How come I have to be the one alone without a friend in the world? Nothing was going right in my life.  My teary eyes look up at the maple leaves that are red and orange, my favorite colors.  I walk over to the trunk of the tree and sit down under its shaded branches.  Wrapping my arms around my legs so that my knees were covering my face.  I cried for a long time.  No one coming to see where I was. No one.  I then positioned myself in a laying position so that I could sleep, so I could forget all my problems.

Warm.  Why was I warm?  I have no jacket on or a blanket to keep me from freezing in this cold fall weather.  My eyes crack open to see a dirty blond looking down at me, his hand petting my hair. Once red eyes adjusted to the change of light.  My heart raced and my face warmed up. Were my eyes just playing tricks on me? No, they couldn't be.  Maybe a dream. No, it wasn't a dream.  It was real.  The boy I have a crush on, Matthew,  was looking down at me with a smile on his face.  My eyes open all the way and then I blush a dark shade of red.  His smile brightens a little and he stops petting my hair.  

"I-I'm glad you're alright _____.  I was getting worried about you.  Why did you skip class?"

All I could do was darken my blush and speed up my already face heart beat.  He was worried about me?  He even wonders why I skipped class.  I didn't know what to do.  I have never been able to talk to anyone before.  Actually, I never talked at all.  Did I even know how to speak.  I don't want to embarrass myself.  His smile starts to fade and then a tear forms in his eyes.  Matthew then pulled me up into a strong hug.  I could here him crying into my hair.

"W-why did you leave! I-I was so worried that you would leave me! P-Please, don't worry me ever again!"

My eyes widened, heart speeding up, and face ablaze.  Why did he cry for me? I was just ignored my whole life. No one cared enough for me to cry. He loosened the hug and looked me in the eyes, his own still filled with crystal tears.  Matthew never looked so serious before. He wouldn't move his gaze from my eyes, even for a second to blink.

"Please _____...... I don't to lose you.... I love you."

My racing heart stopped for several seconds before it started to speed again.  Matthew, loves me.  He loves me.  I've always wanted for someone to tell me that.  I start to tear up and cry a little.  He starts to panic, trying to figure out what was wrong with my.  

"W-what's wrong _____? I'm sorry if I did anything wrong! Please, I hate seeing you cry..."

He cupped his hands on my face and made me face him.  Using his thumb to wipe my tears off my face, he smiled faintly at me.  

"I love you ____.  Even if you don't love me back, I will over you forever."

Something took over my body.  I pulled myself towards him and kissed his lips tenderly.  At first he just sat there in shock at what just happened, but started to kiss me back.  He wrapped his arms around me and I wrapped mine around his neck.  The cold winds didn't bother us as we kissed for another minute then parted.

"I l-love you too.... Matthew..."

I could talk.  My voice was so quiet and kind.  I was never able to hear what I sounded like because I never said anything before.  Matthew, who had surprise covered all over his face, then smiled at me and hugged me. 

"I'm so glad!  I've never been so happy before!"

"Matthew.... this is the first time I ever talked.... I never knew that I even could.... thank you for helping me find my voice."

He released the hug and looked at me.  A smile covered his face then he kissed my forehead.

"So, does that mean your first words were "I love you"?"

"Yes, I guess it does."

Matthew helped me stand and took my hand in his. 

"Well, this will surely be a memorable day _____."

"Yes, it will."

With that, the two of us walked hand in hand, back to the school.  The maple tree watching us smile.


I totally had this idea when I was being ignored by everyone one day at school~!! Man wasn't that day just GREAT!!  To bad a cute guy didn't fix my day by becoming my boy friend.... Hope you liked it~!! I know, I put a lot of crying in this.  Probably because I cried a lot that day as well.... Danke for reading~!!! <3




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