1: Metal Pipe Serenade

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Blood. There was so much blood. I didn’t know what to do, what to think. But my eyes wouldn’t move from that spot. My body couldn’t move. I wanted to scream, but nothing would come out. No matter how much I wished it never happened, it did. If only I’d gotten there sooner, then they wouldn’t be gone.

Not even the police could knock me out of my shock. And when I did come out of it, I saw something that tore me up from the inside like a knife through butter.

                The blood was on my hands.

“Seita Yagami, you have been convicted for the murder of your parents. I hereby sentence you to ten years in the Shoushi Disciplinary Correction Facility.” The Judge ordered as he pounded his hammer.

            “But- But it wasn’t me!” I stood up from the pew, my voice full of desperation as I spoke. My short dirty blonde hair jumped. My vibrant green eyes were fixed sternly on the Judge with my dark eyebrows furrowed. I stood in the Courtroom, dressed in a white dress shirt and black pants. I didn’t even bother to tuck it in. So that’s where I stood, pleading my innocence. I was telling the truth. I didn’t kill my parents. I simply found them dead. I would never kill them. They only blame me because I was the only one there. Why hadn’t anyone believed me? Was it because their blood was on my hands?

            “That’s enough!” The Judge hollered back. My body flinched at the sound of his loud voice, “The evidence and even the fingerprints matched yours!”

“That’s impossible….!”

“A little time in prison should do a murderer like you some good! Guards! Get this kid out of my courtroom!” He turned to his guards and ushered them angrily.

            Before I could even opened my mouth again, the two guards grabbed hold of each of my arms and began to drag me out of court. I writhed and struggled against their hold. Then, for one last attempt, I looked pleadingly at my lawyer, my eyes begging for him to do something. He simply looked away in shame.

            They don’t believe me! None of them do! But I didn’t do it!

            "It wasn't me!" I screamed. Tears began to well up in my eyes defeatedly as I let the guards drag me out like a rag doll. I turned my head away from the glaring Jury. How could my fingerprints even match? Those weren’t my fingerprints! None of this even made any sense! It’s got to be the Justice System, The Judge! Now I have to go to prison for something I didn’t do?! It’s ridiculous!

            The big brown double doors to the court house slammed shut as I was hauled away.

1: Metal Pipe Serenade

            After I was dragged out of the courthouse, it didn’t the guards long to handcuff me and take me to prison. Apparently, I was headed to the place known as Shoushi Disciplinary Correction Facility, the most infamous prison in all of Japan, also nicknamed 'House of the Twisted'. I didn’t understand why they’d send me there, I was only sixteen.

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