Intro. Welcome, Nana, summer of 1974.

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The sun felt like a welcome brush on the cheek from the back of a lover's hand on her skin.

Nana let the circles of red light dance on her closed eyelids for a moment more.

Sighing she sat up, hammock swaying under her.

The sky, blue as ever, but never completely cloudless, stretched out before her, broken only by the wave of palm trees and banana leaves in that gentle island breeze.

She smiled.

"If it isn't hot, it isn't home."

She contemplated sitting there for a while longer when a voice made the decision for her.


She heard her sister slamming the back door and stomping down the stairs.

"Mama's asking if you can put the rice on."

Lena wasn't upset, she was just a loud existence in the quiet waves of island life.

A year older than Nana, Lena seemed to have soaked up more sunshine and life in that 12 months, leaving the younger lagging behind in her slow, careful way.

It was like Lena was meant for a place busier than the beaches, whereas Nana flowed with life on the island as easily as the lava.

"Sure. What's for dinner?"

Nana rose and let the sleep fall from her, imagining it splashing on the ground at her feet.

"Not sure."

Lena shielded her eyes and stared across the yard, over the sand, and into the shimmering mercury of the sea. "Did you hear about the neighbours?" She asked.

"Which ones?" Nana replied, slowly shuffling her feet towards the back door.

"The Fiores. Their nephew, and a couple of his friends are coming to stay for a while, to help Mr Fiore with that summer camp he does every year."

Lena hunched over with her hands on her hips and squinted towards the slightly crooked wooden fence barring their charming but overgrown, yard from the impeccable Fiore's.

Mainlanders that moved to the islands always took a while to ease into the laid-back style of life.

"I hope they're pretty." She said as she smacked her hands on the front of her shirt, dusting off the end of her words before heading back in with Nana.

"You think everyone is pretty." Nana said, climbing the stairs.

"That's because I can see inner beauty." Lena said with a smile, as she reached for the door.

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