Broken & damaged

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The dried, red; painted smears are scattered across the floor, mixed together with tiny shards of glass. The aftermath of last nights incident floating in the air. The base of my foot, stings, as I try to tiptoe around the mess. Trying to avoid the disruption. My long T-shirt has torn in the heated dispute, which was once white, is now stained with crimson patches.

I'm caught between wanting to scream or go run after him. I Fight the lugubrious sounds from escaping my mouth, desperate to not let him hear me or see me like this, although he left 10 minutes ago. My strong facade is slowly crumbling. Time and time again this happens, it's a repetitive cycle. Stuck between doing the right thing and leaving him, or staying because I managed to conjure up a reason to, despite his troubles.

When we first met, things were different, well most of the time he is still the same wonderful man that I fell in love with but his demons keeps getting the best of him. James Lawrence understands me like nobody has ever done, caters to all my needs and the connection that we have is something I don't think I will have with anyone else. When he enters my vision the love I feel for him is always bursting inside me, but at times I feel like I am walking on egg shells. All the spectacular moments are less frequent. The foundation of trust, loyalty and respect is still solid but I know the trust slowly breaking, which breaks my heart.

I slowly limped to the bedroom, leaving a trail of blood behind me, which is caused by my cut feet, that probably had a few glass in it. I walked to the mirror and stared at the spiritless, broken image in front of me. My long, brown curls are pulled up into a messy bun, I lift my hands to my face to trace my finger along the forming purple bruises on my light tanned face. In a instant, I stripped out of my shirt, so that I can stare at the battered body in the mirror. My body is covered in old and new marks, which explains the shooting pains I'm feeling. My tears lay on the brim of my eyes threatening to leave my gray orbs, as I continue to stare at the weak, powerless body. I bring my hand to mouth as the breaking sounds are finally released, as I turn around and I slide my back down the glass, until I'm in a seated position with my head in my knees and I start to cry. I'm not sure how much longer I can take.

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