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Hey, Chris. How are you?

Ring, ring, ring...
"Good morning, Neil. Tell me, how's the work on your album going?"
"Good morning, Pete. Quite well, thank you." The curly-haired man turned up his eyes, and then slowly closed them. "It'll be done in... A pair of weeks, I think."
"Mmh, okay. So, by this weekend I could see something..."
"I can't assure this. Try to understand. We're working on the starting of several pieces, and I absolutely don't know if anything's going to be complete by this very weekend."
"I want to see at least two tracks before tuesday. I do count on you guys. Hurry up with the only work you have to do, this is something that you've chosen--"
"Of course dear, have a good day!"

After having closed the call, Neil Francis Tennant took a deep breath and massaged his forehead. His producer knew the way to stress him out with a one-minute call without any possibility of failing. And moreover, he was really unquiet, that morning.
He took his telephone and sent a second, short message to the another pet shop boy.

It has been a whole week since... That.
And I haven't seen you in all this meantime. Speak to me of your feelings-- you know you can.

He knew that it wasn't the kind of message to which he would have ever answered, but he needed at least a "no", or a "leave me alone" from Christopher. That obstinated silence from him was something of absolutely unusual and worrying. That guy didn't count just for his "looks", nor for his skills at playing the most different instruments: above all those kind of things, he was a friend. A special one. And he didn't want to lose him.
In the middle of desperation, he went to the bureau where they met to work, hoping to see him here. But, obviously, when he arrived he found the study totally empty.


He felt a genuine pain for this situation. He knew what his friend was going through and this is why he felt so sorry for him. He didn't absolutely want to leave him alone in a moment like that... But what could he do?
After twenty minutes, his rational side surrendered to the impulse of writing him another SMS.

You should talk to me. You know what YOU mean to me. I won't leave you alone.

And as soon as Neil closed the app, his phone ringed: Chris' mysterious silence had finished.

Don't think about me. I'm quite good. Thanks.

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