I Don't Want To

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Eunbi and Yerin go to the same dance academy. They easily became friends and soon, best friends. When they have partner or group dances, they make sure they're together.

It wasn't difficult for Eunbi to realize her feelings for the older girl. From the way her heart beats faster than ever just from a smile from Yerin to how she feels her blood boil when some random creep stares and flirts with Yerin. From the way she feels like avoiding the girl because she feels like she could get a heart attack anytime to how she never wants to leave Yerin's side and keep her safe in her arms.

One day, she woke up in the middle of the night, feeling something in her throat. She stood up and rushed to the toilet. Eunbi fell to her knees and threw up.

Her eyes widened at the sight of violet petals, a bit stained with what she assumed was her blood. She quickly stood up and flushed the petals. She wiped the blood off her lips and went back to bed. She only fell asleep an hour later.

She knew this was bound to happen but she didn't expect it to happen soon. She had the hanahaki disease.

One day, the instructor said she'd be the one assigning the partners. Unfortunately, they got partnered to someone else. Eunbi got partnered with a boy named Hoseok and Yerin with a girl named Yuju.

Eunbi and Hoseok were the best dancers and the instructor decided to partner them up. They were great. During their practices, they got closer and became good friends. It soon developed into something more. Not romnatically. They considered each other as brother and sister.

On the other hand, when Yerin found out she'd partner up with Yuju, she felt her heart race. She noticed the girl from the first time she saw her dance. The two became good friends as well but their friendship developed into something more.

Since they had different partners, Yerin and Eunbi barely met each other. Eunbi's disease worsened and it was very noticeable. Eunbi got weaker and felt more tired during her practices with Hoseok. The older guy noticed and decided to discuss this matter with Eunbi.

Unable to hide it more, she told him about her feelings for Yerin and her disease. Hoseok didn't believe in the hanahaki disease, despite the results he found in the internet. He only thought it happened in stories. But that was until Eunbi started coughing out a few petals, soon vomiting them out along with a lot of blood.

With much struggle, he finally convinced Eunbi to let him take her to the hospital.

"When did you realize your feelings?" The doctor asked.

"A few years ago."

"Be specific."

"A-About two years ago." Eunbi coughed up some blood again. Eunbi grimaced and apologized.

The doctor waved her off and handed her a box of tissues. She wiped off the blood on the table first before folding a few pieces up for her to cover her mouth.

Eunbi abruptly stood up, alarming the two men.

"W-Where's the-" she gagged.

"That door right there." The doctor hurriedly answered, pointing to a door in the room.

Eunbi walked out of the washroom and walked to the chair. She sat down. Well, not exactly. She passed out and fell on the chair.


Eunbi woke up on a hospital bed. After a few repeated 'are you okay?' and 'are you sure you're okay?' from Hoseok, the doctor from earlier came in. He was noticeably panicking.

"What's the problem, doc?"

"You need to decide quickly, Eunbi. Remove the petals through surgery or. . . don't."

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