Chapter 3

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Mia's POV:

When I got in the car I was already prepared for what my dad had to say. I knew he would question if Luke was good for me, if we were dating, and what we did. "Did you have a good time?" My dad asked. I looked at him and raised my eyebrows.

"Really? That's the question you are going to ask?" I looked at him like he was crazy. "I know that you are trying to be subtle but I'm ready for you to swamp me questions. I know you want to." I sighed.

"Mia, you know it's not you that I don't trust. I completely trust you to spend the night and I trust Marcel and Brooke to make sure everything is fine. It's Luke that I don't trust. He is a teenage boy, Mia." My dad told me.

"I know that dad. I am going to be a teenager in about an month. I know what happens as you get older and get in relationships. And maybe I'm ready for that. I'm not a kid anymore, you don't have to treat me like I am a baby." I said, slamming the car door and going inside.

"Hey hon-" my mum started but I ran up into my room before she could finish. I jumped on my bed and groaned into my pillow. "Zayn, what did you say to her?" I heard my mum question my dad. I didn't hear anything else after that. My door creaked open as my mom walked in with my 4 year old, younger sister, Charlotte in her arms.

"Hey. I want to talk to you." My mum said. I sat up and let her sit down next to me. "Okay, talk to me. Tell me what you and dad talked about." She commanded me.

"Okay, well, dad said that Luke is a teenage boy and that dad doesn't trust him. I then told dad that maybe I was ready for that stuff and told him I wasn't a kid anymore." I told my her. "Mum, the girls that are in Luke's grade make out with boys all the time and touch each other and I know that dad is right. Luke is a teenage boy and I'm sure that he wants girls to do that to him and I feel bad if I don't give him what he wants. I know that he likes me and that he will say he won't pressure me into anything but if I don't give him anything I think he will leave me. Maybe I am ready for that stuff, mum." I told her. My mum sighed.

"I knew you would get there soon. Look sweetie, those girls are acting like sluts, they are making themselves look easy. The guys are disgusting to do that too. Don't do that stuff just to get Luke to like you. If you find a boy that likes you for you, no matter what body parts you have or how much of them you show, you will be so much happier.

Luke is a good kid and if he likes you, like you think he does then he will respect your decisions and won't push you to do anything, no matter how much he wants to. That's what good men do, they wait for you.

Don't settle for anything less than how your dad treats me. Your father is so worried because he was a teenage boy too and he knows how he acted. Sometimes when he wanted to make out with me I would stop him even though I wanted to kiss him as much as he wanted to kiss me, so I could see if he was a keeper or not. He was, he respected my decision and Luke should respect yours too. Don't be easy for boys, they like it more when you are a little hard to get." She said.

"Thanks, mom. I will be a little harder to get. Can I got to the mall with him tonight?" I asked her.

"I suppose, I can talk to your father and make some arrangements." My mum smiled at me. I thanked her and went on my phone.

Luke's POV:

"Eli, come here!" I screamed from the top of the steps.

"What?" He yelled back.

"I need your advice." I said as he came up the steps. When he reached the top I led him into our room.

"What's up, bro?" He asked.

"Well I'm planning on taking Mia to the mall tonight and I don't want it to be awkward or anything because we kissed last night." I explained.

"You guys kissed?! Nice brother! I'm proud of you." Eli congratulated me.

"It wasn't my first kiss, Eli." I rolled my eyes. "I know but dude, you have liked this girl forever." He said.

"Yeah, I know. That's why I need your help to keep the conversation going, I don't want it to be awkward."

"Well you could write bullet points on your wrist incase you forget and need something to talk to her about." Eli suggested.

"Good idea!" I said grabbing a pen. "What should I write?" I asked.

"Okay well, girls want to talk about themselves. They do care about you, but they like to talk. So write 'don't talk too much' on your wrist first." He said and I did as I was told. "Next write "hobbies" get to know what she likes and doesn't like to do for fun. "Memories" is a good one. Talk about your past with her. " Eli told me. "Make her laugh, then tell her she has a beautiful smile and that you would like to see it more often. Girls love that stuff. Be flirty, but don't come on too strong." He warned me.

"Eli, how do you not have a girlfriend?" I asked astonished.


"Dad can you take me and Mia to the mall at 7:00?" I asked him at dinner. He looked at the time, which read, 6:37.

"Yeah, does Zayn know that you are taking her to the mall?" He asked. I nodded my head and pulled out my phone to text Mia that we would be there at 7:00 to pick her up.

"The mall closes at 9:30 so Mia said that Perrie or Zayn would pick us up." I told him.

"Okay." My mum and dad agreed.

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