Ropes of Life.

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we are all truly free,
wise words from my history class.
thus with ambitious zeal I set forth,
to grant my true hearts desires,
in this brave new world,
but still ,

why do they seem so small?
so insignificant,
ah, why then I'm I afraid?
why push them aside?
why try to forget, to assume,
why procrastinate,
only to feel so guilty, so bereft.

this passion, this want,
choked by logic, by family, by friends,
stick to that study desk,
eyes on that board,
land that stable income,
slave away thine years,
build that home, care for family,
after all these are the standards.

in my minds crossroads,
stretched so far apart I feel my cracks,
each side pulls fiercely,
with gigantic ropes of destiny.
all but this solitary white string,
so frail,
pulls ever so tenderly at my heart,
at my soul, oh fate,
yet you are the strongest of them all.


(too many people try to tell you how to live your life, with their big ugly ropes they try to restrain you and pull you to what they think is right. but one solitary string pulls so softly at your heart. Listen to it, follow it. its the true you.)


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