The Wedding Planners - A One Direction Fanfiction

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Hello all One Direction fans of this earth!

So this is a new fanfiction between Call_Me_Cupid and FiveGuysOneDirection. It's going to co-written in two different girls POVs so I really hope you like it!

If you enjoy this then please remember to vote, comment and fan! It means a lot! :D

Bye bye! Xx

The Wedding Planners

Le Prologue

Roxanna's Point Of View.


"Amelia! I need those catering venues booked ASAP!" I called.

She turned with a wide smile and waved her hand. "It's under control Roxanna. Brett said we have a new one here to get his wedding planned so head up front. Where's Georgie? She needs to be there too."

"She should be here... she went to grab us some coffee, I'll shoot her a text. Thank you babe!"

"No problem!" she winked and set off down another hall.

I went to the nearest elevator, pressing the white button with the down arrow. The doors opened, I stepped inside and pressed one. Where could Georgie be? Okay don't freak out yet, you know Georgie loves this job as much as you do and she's never been late. Damn, how far is that coffee shop?


I was speed walking down the hallway, saying hellos and good mornings to whoever I passed. Brett was sitting at his desk, biting his nails with his eyebrows creased. He sighed in relief once he saw me.

"Brett what's going on?" I questioned.

"Oh nothing much, just that Zayn Malik from One Direction is here to plan his wedding and specifically chose you and Georgie to do it."

I raised a brow. "Really? That's fantastic! Where is he?" I grinned.

"Your office. God that man is beautiful." Brett shook his head. "Oh and Georgie is in there as well so be quick Roxy."

I took off my Gucci heels and ran down the hall. "Later Brett!" I shouted. The cold granite floor felt good against my sore manicured toes. Right when I got to my office I found Marsha my assistant at her desk writing down something in her notepad. She looked up with a smile.

"Good morning Roxanna! Anything you need?" she questioned.

"Hey Marsha. Uh not at the moment but could you remind me to never wear Gucci heels on Wednesdays? It's the busiest day of the week because everyone likes to come in and start two days before Friday when everyone else comes in to plan their weddings. I'm always running around barefoot because of the foot pain so please remind me?"

She looked down at my feet and winced. "I'll set up a daily reminder on your phone this afternoon."

"Thank you Marsha, your a life saver." I sighed. She laughed.

"Alright well get in there! Let me know what that gorgeous British man says about the planning." she giggled. I saluted her and put back on my heels. I have to look professional in front of the clients. After adjusting my skirt I pushed open the door, closing it behind me. Georgie grinned mischievously while Zayn smiled full on.

He stood up as he walked over to me. "You must be Roxanna! It's a pleasure to meet you." We shook hands.

"It's an honor to be planning your wedding Mr. Malik. Please sit down, let's get to business shall we?" I gestured to the big expensive couch. He sat back down, his fingers folded over his lap.

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