Conquering Fears

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How did I get into this mess? I thought to myself. I was in the midst of being stuck in my head, when a sweet, deep voice startled me out of my thoughts.

"Chaeyoung, are you alright there?" questioned the girl next to me. Right, that's how. I turned to face the girl, she was a couple inches shorter than I. Her long black hair framing her face nicely, bringing out her doe-like eyes. A black bucket hat was resting at the top of her head. Her nose fit perfectly with her intricate facial structures and her jaw was sharp and defined. She was wearing a simple plain white short sleeved shirt and a pair of black joggers that shaped her figure nicely. I turned my head and glanced back at the monstrous roller coaster in front of us. We were so close to getting on. I swallowed, my throat dry and scratchy. Nerves began kicking in ten times harder than before.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," I lied. Jisoo's head popped in front of me and she gently shook her finger in front of my face.

"Chaeyoungie, I've known you for years, do you really think I wouldn't see through your lies?" I sighed. A small smile graced my lips as I looked down to my feet. I felt a pair of gentle hands cup my cheeks and bring my face up. Jisoo met my eyes, a soft look written on her facial features.

"You know we don't have to ride it if you don't want to," she smiled at me. But you've been wanting to go on the ride for a long time and I know you won't go alone. I thought to myself, but held my tongue from saying so. Jisoo's one of my closest friends, and I wouldn't want to let my fears get in the way of doing something she loves. I love you too much to do that. I looked down into her eyes and she gave me a gentle smile. I glanced down at her perfectly heart shaped lips. Gosh I want to kiss you. I quickly shook that thought away before taking a deep breath and smiling.

"No, lets go. I need to face my fears someday, and what better chance would I get other than now," I answered shyly. The line moved up and we were the last two to be able to get on the ride. We decided to sit in the middle. As I moved down the bar my anxiety started to kick in. Is this even safe? I feel like I'm going to fly off. Why is it just a bar? Oh my god why isn't it clicking? Jisoo pushed down the bar until it clicked which eased a tad bit of my anxiety. I felt a warm hand hold onto mine and I looked at the girl to my right. Her smile and warmth immediately calmed me.

"Breathe Chae," she squeezed my hand and I did as was told. I took a deep breath in, holding a few seconds before letting it out. The ride started moving and I immediately shut my eyes. '

"Don't close your eyes that makes it worse," Jisoo laughed and I quickly opened them.

"If it helps, just look at me," she stated softly. I turned my head and looked at the smiling girl who was looking back at me. You always have so much warmth and love in your eyes. Every time you look at me, my world stops.

"We're about to drop," Jisoo grinned and I clenched her hand as tightly as humanly possible. The cart dropped and everyone on the ride started to scream. No noise was coming out of my mouth, I hope I didn't look as pale as I felt. My lungs got caught in my throat and my stomach twisted and turned along with the coaster. I turned to look at Jisoo, who held our hands in the air. Laughter spewing from her mouth. Despite my fear, the ride was pretty fun, I soon found myself enjoying every spiral and drop.

Before we knew it, the ride ended and we got off our seats, laughing the whole way down the ramp from the ride, our hands never once leaving each others. The moon had fell over the earth by now. We decided to go sit on a bench by the carousel, which was now closed. As we moved our way towards the bench, we continued to laugh and talk about the ride.

"Chae, look at your face in the photo!" We burst out laughing. I rolled my head back, our laughter being the only sound heard in the park.

"Yeah? Look at you!" we burst into another fit of giggles. Soon enough, our laughter subsided.

"Chaeyoungie, thank you for going on the ride with me, even if you were afraid," Jisoo stopped before turning to look at me. The moonlight shone in her eyes, bringing out the dark innocent aura in them. The dark night sky contrasted against her bright persona. The wind from the ride messed up her hair a bit, but somehow she looked even more beautiful than when she did earlier, if that was even possible. Before I could think to stop myself, I leaned in and gently pressed our lips together. It was a quick peck before I pulled away in panic, realizing what I did. I could feel my face heating up. Oh my God, I messed up. What do I do? Do I tell her it was the adrenaline from the ride? It must have been that. I was about to spout out an excuse, but I was interrupted by a fit of giggles. My mouth dropped open at the girl who couldn't stop laughing.

"Oh my God, you should see your face right now!" She continued to laugh and I continued to stare at her in disbelief. She eventually calmed down and smirked at me before tugging on my hand and dragging me the rest of the way to the bench. When we sat down, she turned to me and grinned.

"If you wanted to kiss me, you should have just asked," She smiled before leaning up to kiss me softly. My heart pounded in my chest as my breath got caught in my throat. Is this really happening? The thought slowly made its way into my mind before disappearing in the pool of my doubts as I close my eyes and savor the kiss. Her lips were incredibly soft and warm. She gently wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer. Soon enough, it ended and we pulled apart, a smile plastered on both of our faces. We sat there for a few more minutes, her head leaning on my shoulder and my arm wrapped around her. The silence was comforting .The grass was lively, even with the dark covering most of the color. Slowly the lights of the park started to close, that's when we decided to stand up and make our way home, hand in hand. As we left the park, one last thought made its way into my mind. I think I should conquer my fears more often.

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