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Hi everyone. This Story started out as a dream well nightmare actually. It was so vivid that I decided to write it down with the odd amendments here and there in order to create a story out of it. I call it positive creativity. I'm not a writer I am an amateur but still hope that you will enjoy the read. Please leave comments and vote 😘

"Mummy! Mummy! look what I made!". I yell excitedly to my mother, holding out in front of her with my two small hands a daisy chain. She turns to face me with a great big smile, warm and full of  affection.

"It's beautiful Selene, is it for me?" She asks, kneeling down to my height, while stroking my cheek gently, which I lean into, closing my eyes relishing her warm touch.

I snap my eyes back open refocusing on my gift for mummy. "Yes!" I squeal happily and with pride. "It's to make you pretty, do you like it?"

"Yes sweet pea, mummy will wear it right now and ask daddy to take a picture for us." She replied, while placing my daisy chain over her head and wearing a big smile that reached to her ears.

"Yay." I say while bouncing up and down in circles in excitement, until something catches my eyes to distract me. "I'm going to play over there mummy, can I go now?" Pointing to the direction i'm keen to go to.

"Don't you want a picture first?" She asks knowing full well she couldn't stop me from my new distraction. I shake my head from side to side, still pointing out where I want to go. "Fine sweetie, just don't go too far and don't wonder off into the woods, it's dangerous, okay?"

"Yes mummy." I give my mother a  quick peck on her cheek and run off, taking one quick glance behind me, watching her heading to my dad who's taking pictures of the surrounding nature around us. My father is a history professor for an English university but his hobby is photography, particularly of wild animals and beautiful landscapes, while my mother is a painter. This year, my father took us on vacation to Alaska, a place my mother has always wanted to visit.

The scenery is breathtakingly beautiful, it looked like it was straight out of the pages of a fairytale story book. I love the mountains, the forest, lakes and rivers and I never get bored of it. I always find something to grab my interest and right now, I am fascinated by a butterfly.

The pretty butterfly is flapping its yellow and reddish brown wings slowly on top of a flower. As I get closer to inspect it, it flies away and I follow it, paying close attention to it's gentle movements which has me hypnotised. I am completely mesmerised by its elegant fluttering wings, it looks like a dance in mid air and I copy it's movements with my own outstretched arms, flapping around. I'm so captivated by it that I don't even realise how far into the forest I've gone and how dark it started to get.

My attention to the insect is interrupted by a cry, a howling cry. I whip my head from side to side, trying to figure out where the sound is coming from. The howl gets a little louder and so I follow the sound further into the darkening forrest to then find a large wolf cub caught in a contraption, restricting it's leg that is bleeding. The beautiful creature had shiny black fur and the deepest emerald green eyes, that once it noticed my presence, started growling at me, baring it's fangs at me.

He was scared, I could sense it but then again so was I. Upon closer inspection, I noticed other wounds, small gashes here and there, but the contraption on it's leg was clearly the most painful.

Ignoring his clearly vicious attitude towards me, I slowly approached the abnormally large Pup and knelt down while still maintaining a safe distance. I didn't want to scare the poor animal, but I did want to help him, I felt unusually drawn to him.

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