Unsafe and Underappreciated

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I listen to the conversation happening in front of me in silent shock. I am nestled into a quiet corner reading my book,hiding from the hustle and bustle of Bill and Fleur's wedding. Sirius and Molly walk into the room, having a hushed conversation.

"I hate having that little witch around our boys at all times Sirius," Molly whispers, resentment clear in her voice.

"I hate it just as much as you do Molly but there's nothing we can do right now," Sirius replies. This is obviously a conversation they've had more than once.

"No, I'm for real this time. We need to end her. She asks way too many questions and is smart enough to learn the truth about Voldemort."

"Well, I don't know what you want me to do about it now. The boys are way too attached at this point to just get rid of her. However, with her parents obliviated, it might be possible to kill her off mid-battle and make it look like the Death Eaters did it,"

I stare on in horror as the two of them plot my demise. They talk about how I don't follow orders without question, and how I'm smart enough to learn what Voldemort is really up to. Worst of all, they talk about how they are going to kill me and use my death to cause Ron and Harry to fight harder.

I stay in my spot until I see them leave the room and go outside to look over the wedding proceedings. I shakily stand up and stumble towards Harry and Ron's room in shock. I have to tell them what I heard. Maybe they'll take my side. Or maybe they won't, but I have to try.

When I make it to their room, I collapse into the closest chair, Ron's desk chair. I fidget anxiously, opening and closing the desk drawers. My interest is peaked when I find the bottom right drawer locked; why is this the only one locked?

I wait a few minutes to make sure no one's coming. Waiting a couple seconds, I unlock the drawer with my wand. I pull it open and my jaw drops at its contents: Dark Arts books. I open one and stare at the information inside. It's very dark and forbidden magic; why would Ron have these?

I keep pulling out books, reaching the bottom and finding a piece of folded up parchment. I open it and read the words written on it:

To everyone who this may concern,

As you may or may not have noticed by now, I've left the order. I'm joining the Death Eaters. I've done a lot of research into the Dark Arts, and on that journey I learned more about what Voldemort really wanted.purifying the wizarding world was never one of those things. Yes, he wants power. Yes, he'll use dark means to get what he wants. Genocide, however, is not one of those things. He wants freedom for people to learn whatever they want. He wants to end the restrictions and jail times for learning about Dark Magic. He wants to take Dumbledore and his followers out of places of power. I've learned what the Order is really doing, and I'm disgusted. So I'm leaving, anyone who wants to join me is welcome to. Harry, Hermione, I promise you two will always be my best friends, whether or not you agree with my decision. No harm will come to you at our hands. Ginny, I...

The letter cuts off before he addresses Ginny. I look at the letter and reread it multiple times. Ron's joining the Death Eaters. I had no idea what to do with this information. I could show the Order, but they don't seem trustworthy at the moment. Maybe, they aren't any better than the Death Eaters.

I look at the letter again, one line catching my attention: "Anyone who wants to join me is welcome to.". I could go with him. I'ms most likely just as safe with the Death Eeaters as I currently am with the Order.

I hate the idea of leaving Harry alone here, but maybe I needed to be a little selfish and secure some safety for myself. I'm not much help to Harry dead. Would the Death Eaters even accept me?

It doesn't matter; Molly and Sirius leave me no option.
I have to join for my own well-being. So, I sit there waiting for Ron to return. I have the drawer closed, but unlocked in case Harry comes back first.

Luckily, Ron is the first person to walk in, and he's alone.

"Hey, 'Mione what's up?"

I look up at him and pull open the drawer. The color drains from his face as he stares at the open drawer.

"You're lucky it was me that found this. All that Dark Magic, and you couldn't find a locking spell that couldn't be done with Alohomora."

"It's not what it looks like," he stammers, his eyes wide.

"It's exactly what it looks like. You're joining the Death Eaters, and I'm coming with you."

He looks at me, immense confusion is obvious in his face.

"Why would you want to join the Death Eaters," he finally manages to ask.

"I heard your mother and Sirius plotting my death; it isn't safe for me to be here. I hate leaving Harry alone, but it's better I leave than end up dead."

"Wait, wait, Sirius and Mum are planning to kill you?!"

"Yep, they think I'm too smart and will learn what Voldemort really wants, but they obviously underestimated you."

He smirks at the praise, "I'm leaving the night of Bill and Fleur's wedding. I'll be around long enough to watch the wedding, but because of all the action, it'll be easier to slip away."

"I'll leave with you. But, there's one thing I think we should do."

He raises his eyebrow in curiosity.

"We need to get Harry to come too."

Hey everyone!!!! Welcome to my new story. Hope you like it. New chapters will be out every Monday. Thanks for reading(-:

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