XI | difficulty

832 33 1

 Is it easier to love or be loved?

SHE STARED AT HERSELF IN THE MIRROR, nose scrunching at the sight. Lately, she'd noticed some things. Y/n had noticed how her heart sped up when she was around Peter. She recognized the warmth that flooded her cheeks whenever he hugged her or smiled at her; it annoyed her immensely.

Never, in her life, had she loved someone like this. Even then, to her, saying 'love' was a bit of a stretch. Although, the feelings that she felt and the trust that she shared with him said otherwise. Y/n sighed, the rain continuing to thunder down and make a pitter patter sound against the sidewalks and windows.

She held onto the dresser that was creaky and old, obviously showing age through the chips of its wood. Then again, it could also just be extremely cheap. Y/n sighed, tapping her fingers repeatedly on the wood. Tonight, she'd asked Peter to go on and do his Spidey duties. Usually, he'd go out a little later. He'd do it after checking up on Y/n, in short.

The girl bit her tongue, flinching when she heard another shock of thunder. With the power of her rain and the emotional link towards it, there was no doubt that the person who'd been searching for her had traced onto her location already. Looking at herself in the mirror again, her throat went dry.

Y/n sighed, glancing up at the ceiling before looking back at the mirror version of her. She didn't have much time left and he was going to find her, no doubt. Deciding that there was no point in hiding, she headed for the entrance to the rooftop. Sneaking around to the door that was labelled STAFF ONLY, she crept in and closed the squeaky door behind her. 

Y/n strode up the steps and reached the door that was linked to the rooftop, opening it and stepping outside. It amused her at how low the hotel security was. She entered the area, a soft breeze hitting her in the face as she stretched her muscles. Taking a look around, her breath hitched at the beautiful sight.

As loud as New York was, it was always breathtaking to see the beauty of all the city lights. Y/n approached the ledge, leaning against it as she looked down. Taxis honked at each other while women on the corner tried to make a living. People argued somewhere down the street and if Y/n was certain that a physical fight would break out.

She smiled when her prediction turned out to be right, watching the people throw fists at one another with shouts and curses. Occasionally, she'd see the drops of watered down blood. It was only minutes later that Spider-Man swooped down and assessed the situation quickly, obviously asking for Karen to identify them.

Her eyes narrowed at Peter's quick moves, realizing his intentions. A plastic baggie popped out from one of the men's pockets, falling to the ground. Of course. One of them was bound to be an angry drug dealer. Clicking her tongue, she figured that it was a deal that went askew or an unpaid debt.

It was always interesting to see how desperate people had to be to go into the darkness of the world. Inhaling sharply, Y/n failed to notice the swinging superhero who swung past her and did a back flip, expertly landing behind her. He approached her with a small hum, dialing his phone and calling the police.

She snorted at him, watching him call the police as she crossed his arms. "It's funny how the police still haven't traced your number." Peter shrugged, smiling underneath the mask. He spoke, tapping his mask and obviously referencing to his hidden A.I. "Karen takes care of it. She's linked to my phone, after all."

Y/n just nodded, going along with it. It was interesting to see how far Tony had upgraded his work. She wondered how Friday was doing, having not been to the tower in a while. Y/n turned around, realizing that Peter had already changed in the time that she'd been looking out to the outside world.

"A penny for your thoughts?" He mused, flipping an actual penny. She smiled, taking it from him and snatching it when it was midair. Y/n hummed softly, quirking a brow and teasingly smirking at him. His cheeks visibly turned pink as she laughed. "Maybe a nickel?" The boy, flustered, looked for more spare change, but ultimately failed.

"I-I swear that the saying is 'a penny for your thoughts'. I'm sorry—"

She smiled, chucking the penny back at him as he quickly caught it. Her eyes softened at him as he stared at her, love struck. "I was just kidding, Peter." He laughed nervously and lightly, eyes averting as he slowly pocketed the change. It jingled in his jeans pocket as he moved his arms to lay on the top of the ledge. "Y-Yeah, of course."

Y/n elbowed his side, smiling. "I don't bite." He nodded, smiling back as his anxiety slowly washed away. Her eyes traced back to the sky even though his eyes still stayed on her. It was odd on how quickly he'd fallen for this girl. Just a week and a few days was all it took. Peter wasn't exactly sure what made him realize this, but he liked to think it was the day at the arcade.

The day in which she didn't stop playing that weird space shooting game and attempted to take him down at Mario Kart. The day that she showed her DDR skills off to everyone and made a crowd for herself. A day in which he realized how much she meant to him even if they'd barely known each other.

They both had opened up to each other over time without realizing it. He swallowed, still staring at her. Her eyes turned back to him, staring at him concernedly. "Peter?" His panicking only elevated, cheeks turning red. Finding the expression cute, her cheeks turned a light pink as well. Y/n blinked at him as his cheeks only turned redder.

His breathing escalated for a second before he whispered under his breath, something that Y/n barely heard. "Fuck it." She grew confused, staring at him as he took a deep breath and turned to her. Her eyes narrowed at him for a second as she grew confused at him, watching him get closer and closer. 

"Peter, what—"

And their lips touched.

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