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  aliana's pov

as a 17 year old girl, life shouldn't have been that cruel to me. everything happened so fast, i couldn't have done of single to thing to keep what i loved, safe. that really hurt me, just thinking of that.

i can't always think of that though. what's done is done. he can never come back.

i take a deep breath and enter the building kids like to call "hell" and now i know why.

i walked towards the office which was right next to the double sided doors. i waited patiently for the lady at the desk to look up at me. once she did i politely smiled at her.

"hi, my name is aliana smith. i just transferred and i need my papers for my class please." i explained.

"oh yes, yes!" she exclaims. she searches through some files and finds my name.

"you know, as a secretary i shouldn't be saying this but this school is boring! maybe you can help enlighten it." she chuckles a bit.

"urm.. yeah, heh, i will try my best ma'am." i smile and she nods. i walk out and head to my first class. reading.

i knock on the door and wait until a old man opens the door and sighs.

"welcome... to... what class is this? oh! reading.. take a seat over.. anywhere." he says mainly out of breath.

i furrow my eyebrows and he let's me in. everyone was looking away, except for this one good looking guy.

what? is it my outfit. i'm only wearing a red sweater, denim pants, and my brown hair that reaches my chest was let loose. i don't want to brag but it makes my skin and eyes pop out.

"hi, my name is aliana." i say since when i sat down he still stares at me.

"zion. nice to meet you." he smiles. awh my gosh! (right that's my baby🖤🤤)

the class period went by fast. we had free time (time to talk) so i mainly talked to zion. we became friends instantly.

"hey, i know we just met but we are friends. do you want to hang after school?" he asks with his gorgeous smile.

"i would love to, thank you." i smiled back.

i don't know why, but whenever he smiles it makes me feel some type of way, not a way a friend should feel. i ignored that feeling anyway.

it was 2:50, time to find zion and get the hell out of this place. i walked down the hall which was full of teenagers in a circle. in the middle, zion and this girl were kissing. everyone was cheering.

i felt something in my stomach but i just took a deep breath.

"z-zion." i called for himcould immediately looked up at me and his face softened.

"let's go, remember our plans?" i ask. he nodded and let go of the girl.

"see you some time, z!" she yells. he rolls his eyes and we head to his car.

"so.. what was that about?" i ask getting in the car. he got in too and looked at me.

"i-i don't know. i never did that before. i was talking to her and next thing you know i was kissing her. she wasn't that good, peer pressure i guess." he says. he starts to drive out the parking lot. i saw his jaw clenching. he was tapping his foot a lot on the gas pedal which made the car bounce a little. cars were honking at him.

"zion" he still didn't look at me.

"z, zion!" i say shaking his shoulder. he seemed to get even angrier.

"stop touching me!" he screamed. his eyes got glossy.

"zion its a red light!" i yelled at him and he stopped the car. he was breathing heavily.

about 20 minutes later;

zion was in his room while i was getting him water.

"zion?" i softly whispered behind his door. i heard his breathing. i opened the door and he was on his bed. he was curled up in a ball. oh my baby- no sis. dont fall for him.

"zion." i say while placing the water down.

"i don't know what that was but look at me." i demanded. he struggled to look at me.

"caleb, look at me." he looks at me. his eyes were beautiful. (werent y'all just friends? ssskkkk)

"im your friend. to me that means i will have to be there for you no matter how cheesy and serious the problem is i won't leave you because i am a loyal ass friend." i said seriously. he nods and sadly smiles.

"its my dad." he says, shaking a little.

"he would tell me what to do. i'd do it for he wouldn't hit me. one day he asked me to steal, drugs. i said no," he gulped, "he slapped the shit out of me." he says breathing slowly.

"i was terrified. my mom found out and called the police for what he was making me do. so when they demanded me to kiss her it made me feel the same way as how i felt with my dad; scared." he says, his eyes glossy.

(a/n: yes its getting personal at the beginning of the story, and what bitch? fight me!)

"i-im sorry z." i said hugging him. "i, aliana smith promise to help you every step of the way." i said smiling.

"thank you. enough with this petty ass crying." he says jumping up and stretching.

"there's all smiles around here. what do you wanna do? watch a movie. maybe a scary one?" he asks looking through a bin.

i took a second to process what just happened. it felt good to know someone trusts me to open up about their situations. i feel loved even if we became friends today. i feel good about this friendship.

"ali?" he said. i shook my head and saw his about 2 feet away from my face looking down at me.

(whew chileeee)

"oh, yeah, yeah horror." i smile quickly. he smiles and turns back to the bin and pulls out a scary movie.


hey guys its shia☹️🖤 this was a cute chapter. stay tuned and you could comment or dm me what should happen between characters and or events. love you guys :) vote & read.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2019 ⏰

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