Feels like Hell

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(Joey's POV)
My name is Joseph and I just moved to La from Florida, today is the last day of the holidays before school. I live with just my Mother, my Dad died of cancer when I was 9, it took a lot of support from my Mum to help, I'm fine now, I guess.
*next morning*
I woke up quite early this morning, I had a quick shower and got dressed. I tucked my white school shirt in my long black pants and tied my ties and my shoes. I walk down stairs, "morning Joseph, ready for today" My Mum was in the kitchen making my lunch, "I guess" I wasn't really ready to socialize, but I'll give it a try. "So your new high school is called Hi-5 High School, I'll drop you off if you want" My Mum gives me my bag of lunch, "oh that sounds ok" I grabbed my bag and school supplies and put then in my bag. We got in the car and drove to my new high school, when we got to the main entrance, all of a sudden I felt nervous, "you'll do fine Joey, I heard there's a Mead Centre to" She rubs my hand. "Thanks Mum love you" I kiss her cheek and get out of my car. There were so many people here, it was still early I had an hour till school starts, I walk through the doors that's when someone tapped my shoulder, I jumped a little. "Sorry about that, Hi I'm Woods, I'm going to help you find your way around this place" I turn around, "H-Hi I'm J-Joseph, you can call me J-Joey or J-Fred" I didn't realize how shaken my voice was. "Nice to meet you Joey, follow me, I lead you to the office so you can grab your time table" He grabs my hand and he takes me to the office. "Hi Samantha, I'm here to grab Joseph time table" She nods, types something on here computer then prints it out, she walks away to grab it. "She's a nice lady when you get to know her" I nod, "here you go Woods, have a great day, you to Joseph" We walk out of the office, but there was a large group of people. My social anxiety started to act up, "you ok Joey" He looks concerned, "i-its just my s-social anxiety" He grabs my hand and pulls me away from that group. "Now let's see what class you have first" He grabs the piece of paper out of my hand and a smile appears on his face "we have the same classes" I smile a bit. The bell rings and we walk into class, me and Paul sit at the back of the class, "Welcome back class" A man says, I just sit there as he calls people names out. "Now we have a new Student in our class, Joseph would you like to come up and tell us about yourself" I froze for awhile then I walk up to the front. "M-my name is J-Joseph, you can call me Joey or J-Fred, i-im from F-Flordia" The teacher smiles, "what school did you go to" He ask, "u-um E-EdgeLand College" He smiles before saying, "Well I'm Mr Malmedal" I smile, but it quickly faded, "Nice to meet y-you, M-Mr Malmedal" I walk back to my seat. I wasn't paying attention to the teacher, I was just a little shaken up about today, "Joey can you give me the answer, what's two x plus eight x plus twenty eight" I think before giving an answer, " S-six x plus twelve" He looks at me in shock, "correct, well done Joey" He continues to teach, this time I pay attention. First period was over, "Joey can I say, no ones has ever just pulled up an answer to a question like that first try, and your a new student" Woods says I follow him to our next class "i-ive already learnt t-that at my old s-school" We get to our next class, English. Again we sit at the back of the class.
*couple hours later*
It was put last period till lunch, the bell rings and everyone rushed to get outside, I grabbed my bag and I follow Woods to the canteen. We sit at a table around by a window, "Hey Joey, first day here and you made a friend" He smile, "t-thanks for helping me t-today W-Woods" I smile, but I faded soon after, we talked for awhile when a group of people came by us, "your the new kid aye" Some guy says. "Leave him alone Michael" I frozen when some sat next to me. I didn't know what to do, he grabs my lunch bag and takes it "thanks nerd" He knocks my shoulder getting off the seat, "give it back Micheal" Woods stares at Micheal. "Why he's not going to do anything about it the little faggot" I stand up and grab my lunch bag out of his hand, "did you just do that" I felt regret, he cocks his arm back and punches my face, grabs my lunch bag and says "dont try to act tough". I grab my bag and run out of the canteen, I find a place, I just sat there, I felt like I was going to have a panic attack, Woods sits next to me and rubs my back to comfort me "you ok Joey" Woods looks almost sad, "y-yea i-im fine" I just sat there, listen to Woods talk. He told me a few stories, and I did the same. I chuckle a bit "wow that really happened" I lean on the table, "yea not able to walk for weeks" He laughs, "well we have music for our last period, and just saying " Micheal's in that class" He gives me a concern look, "i-ill be fine d-dont worry" The bell rung and we grabbed our bags and I followed him to our next class. "Welcome to music class, and this Term you will have partners to sit by" A woman started telling everybody who we were sitting by. I wasn't listening till I heard my name "Joseph and Bryan, Your our new student aren't you Joseph" She looks at me and smiles, "y-yea" She nods. She finished the list then told us to go to you partners. "You Joseph" Some guys ask, "y-yea Bryan" He nods and sits next to me. Most of the period he would talk to people in front, behind, and next to him, I didn't really care. I rest my head on my hand and write down, I heard people whispering I could see people pointing at me. The last period was over, it felt like forever. I grabbed my stuff, I was walking down the Hall when I saw that same guy that took my lunch, he looks at me and walks towards me, "hey faggot" He says, "l-leave me alone" I try to walk pasted him, but he grabs my shoulder and pulls me back I push him away, he grabs me by the shirt and pulls me, I hit the lockers and fall to the ground. "That'll teach him" He walks away with his friends laughing, I get off the fall, grab my bag and I walk home. It wasn't long till I got home, I walk in and headed for the kitchen, I didn't see my mother, but a note. "Hey Jofish, just going out for a job interview, see you at 5" I mumbled, I put the note down and walk to my room, I look in the mirror to see a bruise from where Micheal punched me, I didn't bother getting dressed. I layed on my bed 'first day of school, already bullied' I though, my thought drifted away as I got tired and fell asleep.

1345 words
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Peace ✌

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