The Best Gift : You

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You had woken up a bit early than all days considering today was a holiday. Your mind wide awake for some reason, you didn't think much as you gently removed the warm hand that wrapped around you oh so protectively and walked unsteadily to the bathroom. A bit of refreshment after which you felt better, you rubbed the little tiredness left in your eyes as you studied the white sheets of your bed under which a cute bunny man was asleep.

A fair part of his body out of the confines of the bed sheet, he looked intriguing as much as he was cute. You always had a creative poetic tinted mind but never have you found the right words to describe the amount of beauty he withheld in him. He was without a doubt the most beautiful guy you had ever come across. Jungkook gently sniffled as he curled himself tighter, the cold weather not doing justice to the brown haired cuteness who had slipped out of his warm territory. You walked slowly, heart seeming to weigh heavy with adoration as you gently tucked him more into the warmth. Gently smiling at him you glanced at him one last time, eyelashes casting shadows down on his cheeks, beauty he refuses to believe there is in him, all that out open to adore. You felt really grateful to be with him, your beautiful brunette boy.

You shuffled closer to your desk as you frowned at the mess that you made in it without meaning to. You vaguely remember shuffling everything when you heard the door bell ring, joy masking your want to be tidy. With that memory came the soft reminder of Jungkook showing his smile as he blinked tiredly, the soft move of his lips on yours as he mumbled ' I should sleep a bit', it was clear to you that his new part time job was tiring him but you couldn't do anything about it. The boy was very stubborn when it came to earning money. It didn't matter to him that you were just doing college, it didn't matter that both your current jobs was just studying. He always went out of his way to make things seem perfect in your lives but you couldn't help but worry if the joy in him was dulling because of his continuous efforts.

You pulled out the gift box wrapped in red from under your pillow as a reminder buzzed in your head, it was your four month anniversary today. You could remember the way he softly cuddled near you last night, hands soft around your waist as he nuzzled into your warmth smiling tiredly. You shook off the slowly crawling worry from you as you placed the gift box aside and went through the pages that lay scattered on your desk, your eyes went over bits of poetic lines as one set of lines caught your eyes 'Love is a promise; Love is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, never let it disappear.' It was one of the lines you copied on paper from the net for inspiration. You placed your palm against your heart feeling it beat a beautiful yet fast rhythm your head turning to the reason of your drumming heart.

You didn't feel your lips curling up, but they did as you glanced at him in a trance. You could see him stir slightly in his slumber as he squinted his eyes at the sunlight his lips gently curled as he sleepy saw you staring at him. 'Hey' he groggily let out eyes still adjusting to the light as he rubbed them with his hands with a soft smile still there on his lips. 'Good morning' you let out gently climbing on to the bed from your chair, sneakily hiding the gift box behind your back. You thought over if it would be okay to give him the gift now and decided that you would. Bringing the red wrapped box before you saw how his eyes seemed to widen 'What is this?' he let out but you also noticed the blooming smile on his face. You stayed silent your smile prominent, 'Our fourth month... you remembered' he voiced out shuffling closer as he let his arms go around you.

You gently hugged him back, cherishing his warmth. He softly placed his head on the crook of your neck as he let out a content sigh. You giggled a bit as it tickled as you said 'Of course', a big smile now evident on your face. He parted seeming to think a bit as he grabbed a blue box which was under his pillow, no gift wrapper and all but the box itself looked perfect, you liked how elegant it looked. It looked like box of a ring. 'For you' he said as you noticed the wrinkles on the sides of his eyes that denoted his joy all the time. 'aww..' you cooed, 'It's beautiful' you let out eyes on the blue box. 'You dint even see it' he protested as he got his box and you got yours. 'You open first' he nervously let out. 'I will like it' you confidently let out. For a few seconds you just stared at the box, soul lost in unexplainable happiness.

Slowly opening the blue patterned box your heart raced without control, inside you saw a beautiful rose gold claddagh ring with a heart shaped stone in the place of the heart, it almost made you want to cry. You already knew about the design, you had wanted to buy a décor with that symbol. The symbol of love and promise in Irish it was, you even tried to buy a ring similar for him the second month and you couldn't find it anywhere. You took in a breathe trying to calm down, he bit his lip controlling the smile from spreading too wide as he stared at your expression. Your eyes that lit up in a way that always made him the happiest and your smile that he would melt for, it made him fall for you more. Your fingers gently brushed against the ring your eyes now brimming with joyous tears.

You looked up at him, nothing needed to be said for a minute, and the soft smile he gave you had you quickly encage him in your arms. 'It' beautiful' you stared at the box again as he gently got it from you, pulling out the ring as he asked for your hand. Your hand began shaking as he slid the ring, you still were at awe at the amount of beauty it seemed to hold and the urge to cry grew bigger. But you controlled yourself as you knew he didn't like you crying, 'I want to see you smile, not cry. So don't' he had once said, that was his best form of consolation and it definitely helped you smile then. 'it's so nice...Jungkook' you let out fondly.

He softly sighed before pulling out a smile, his heart at peace, he'd been wondering if you'd like it as much as he did. 'Time to open mine then' he looked at his box. 'yep' you encouraged as you gazed at him in his pastel yellow sweater that had a bear head on one side on it his black sweatpants showing off between the white sheets as he scrambled over the wrapper to get it off, he looked similar to the time you both first met, but you could tell the difference of how he was always self conscious around you before and how he isn't like that anymore, he remained always cute though. A soft crush bloomed between you two awkward flirting and blushing involved only for the love to grow stronger and colorful each day until you had come this far.

He carefully pulled open the wrapper chewing on his bottom lip like he did when he's nervous. He opened the box, with widened eyes slowly as he took out the black titanium ring, 'This is the one we saw. Right?' he let out almost in disbelief. You both had been randomly going around shops a few weeks before when Jungkook found a titanium ring in black which he fell in love with he was reluctant to give it back to the shop assistant but you both dint have enough to afford a ring which cost that much. 'Yeah' your curled lips were reaching your lower eyelids. His eyes, those wide doe eyes were one of the features which made you fall in love every day, he had such innocent eyes which made him seem like bunny in many ways. His fingers gently caressed the ring as he smiled placing it on your tiny palm.

You gently got his hand in yours sliding the ring in his right forefinger, the finger he prominently wears rings on due to habit. You pulled his hand intertwining your fingers as you brought them towards your lips gently kissing the back of his hand. You locked you eyes with his to find his eyes so lost in emotion, you smiled and his smile mirrored yours, pulling you closer with the grip on your hand he leaned in to capture your lips in his.

His lips were soft on yours, he gently tilted his head his other hand around your waist pulling you on his lap. You smiled obliging to his request as you moved onto his lap, you both parted smiling crazily at each other as he used the hand which was once around you to caress your cheek .You loosened your hand on his hand as you put both your hands around his neck leaning in once again. He giggled encircling you in both his arms now as his finger tips gently slipped under your shirt, you tugged at his soft strands as both of you lost balance falling on mattress with him underneath.

His warmth completely felt all over you, the warmth inside you increased manifold. Both unable to kiss anymore due to the big smiles and heavy breathes, you knew you'd never want anything other than him in your life to survive. ' I love you Jungkook' you gently tapped his nose with yours, 'I love you too' he smiled leaning to capture your lips quicker this time with no idea of stopping anytime sooner, from up close his eyes glistened with joy, his lips curled up, the small mole under his lip and on his neck looked prominent. The burst of butterflies in you proving he was the best gift you could ever ask for.

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