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"Mom, Dad, can I speak with you both?" Harper said as she walked into the living room, getting their attention

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"Mom, Dad, can I speak with you both?" Harper said as she walked into the living room, getting their attention.

Both her parents looked up, smiling," Sure sweetheart" Her father responded.

Harper felt the nerves overtake her entire body, as she fiddled her thumbs in nervousness, it was easier in her head, but actually saying it, was where the stage fright truly revealed itself.

She was going to just suddenly announce, that she had been seeing Elijah, but then she didn't know how to explain.

How was Harper going to just come out with it, and say things are serious?

When she as much as the next person, knew about how long she had to live.

It was obvious, her skin that was no longer glowing, the weight she was slowly losing, and the constant body aches, that were left of her face showing her pain.

"Harper dear, is everything alright?" Her mother asked as she watched her daughter who went silent for a little too long, she couldn't help but worry about her wellbeing, when she can even see her daughter, slowly getting sick each day.

Harper lifted her head, as she took a deep breath," Um, so I been seeing this guy, and it's gotten really serious" She finally confessed, but a little faster than normal, and Elijah, who was outside, listening, couldn't help but chuckle.

"What?!" Both parents shouted in sync, as they looked at their daughter, clearly seeing it was not a joke, especially how straight of a face she was keeping.

She nodded her head," And I may have come back with him, and he may be standing outside the house right now, waiting to for me, to get him" Harper chided, as her parents gaped at their daughter.

"Our daughter, has a boyfriend?" Her father asked, not looking at her, and the question not towards her, but to his wife, who also looked at him," Harper, and a guy"

Harper sighed watching her parents, seeing them not taking the news well, since it was like her telling them, she was dropping out of college.

It was true, Harper had never been in a relationship, that had been serious enough to tell her parents.

She was honestly, inexperienced at it, but Elijah had taught her enough to know what they had was real, and despite her thoughts clouded with disappointment for getting close to people, when her first rule, since finding out she was sick, was not to do that simple command.

Although, no one can stop feelings, especially when it was love, it was far too strong to just ignore," Yes, Harper and a guy, and if it's okay if I invite him inside? I- Uh, wouldn't want him to get sick" Harper lied knowing that was the least of the worries, but she couldn't just say

'Oh, my boyfriend is a vampire, who is like 1000 years old, is outside, and I had to invite him to the house earlier, which I already did, since he had been in my room at night, to sleep, for a week now'

"Oh! Yes! Please do" Her mom shot up, as Harper walked over to the door, mumbling to herself, now questioning herself if she should have done it another way, although, she found it also very funny how her parents reacted.

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