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"I don't think it's unfair, love, I think it's extraordinary" Elijah said, as both He and Harper laid in the backyard on a blanket, peering at the stars

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"I don't think it's unfair, love, I think it's extraordinary" Elijah said, as both He and Harper laid in the backyard on a blanket, peering at the stars.

While Harper, traced her hand on his tie, as she let out a breath," I figured you say something like that, but I still stand with the same thought"

He lifted her hand and as he kissed it," I know love, but I just want you to know, I do not regret anything, especially for how I feel about you"

Harper looked up at him," I love you"

"And I love you so much Harper, and I don't think I can describe how much I love you more than possible" Elijah confessed wholeheartedly

Harper felt her tears form, quickly falling down her face," How'd I get so lucky meeting someone like you?"

"I should be the one asking that question Harper my love" Elijah whispered, as he leaned forward, connecting their lips, either not wanting to let go, as they ran their hands through each other's hair.

Elijah just wanted to spend these moments together, forever, but it was one wish, he couldn't have.

All the things in the world, he had easily have gotten, having Harper was the only one thing, he had to cherish before the moment came.

As for Harper, she wished the same, but she knew what was going to happen one day, she had a short life, but spending these moments with Elijah, was enough to feel like she experienced enough for an entire lifetime.

As the pair kissed, they both had tasted the saltiness of their tears, which had been because of their thoughts of not wanting to be apart.

As Elijah lifted her in his arms, taking her to her quarters, to take in every detail he could, of his beloved.

There were no words needed when the time came for them, they both just knew, as she felt each part of their bodies, not saying any words, as they both lay together in their arms.

All they wanted, was to burn the touch, and feel the love that the two felt for each other, both keeping one hand each clasped not letting once, as they both connected as their souls wrapped around each other, dancing.

Harper had never felt so much love through physical contact, her entire life, and Elijah had shown her that it was just as beautiful as she hoped it would be.

Laying in each other's arms, as she had her head propped on his chest, running her hand on his chest, the moment that felt complete for them.

Elijah had drawn circles on her bare shoulders with his hand, as he kissed the top of her head, just taking at the moment whipsering sweet nothings, as the sun seeped through the windows, showing the glow between the pair, as they closed their eyes, remembering the moment during the night.

"I love you so much, Harper Kingsley" Elijah murmured, into his beloved's ear, as she let out a small laugh, that sounded like music to Elijah's ears

She looked up to him," And I love you so much, Elijah Mikaelson" the words, that were so easy for the lovers to say, knowing that it will always be genuine, because that was how much it had meant.

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