Nick's First Session (part 1)

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Nick was a very young guy.Also very nerdy and dorky. He had just turned 18 and was very excited about it. Now that he was 18 he could actually test the waters of being a seat in Extreme Smother Queens. He had the funds, and he figured the video would probably make more money then he paid so he could possibly get it back, so why not.

For those of you who don't know Extreme Smother Queens is a fetish company that focuses on intense smothering, buttdrops and more. FyeBottom, who was a 60 inch ass model was their newest addition, and she brought way more to the table when she joined. Aside from smothering seats in between her huge sweaty cheeks, she would fart on them and force them to smell every last bit of each fart she blew right on their face. Most of the time she would tape gag the seat to make sure they smelled every last bit. Quickly she became the most popular model in ESQ as her edgy way of domination amazed people. 

Nick was willing to pay the price. He didn't know what he was really in on, but he was a Daredevil. He'd bought and seen almost all of FyeBottom's sessions, as each seat could not deal with the powerful pungency of her farts, and it always seemed as though her ass stunk really bad because minutes before she even let go a fart, the seats tried to move their head to the side as they could only resort to nose breath as her big asscheeks spread apart in their face. 

Nick could only imagine what she would do to his big pig-like snout. Once he found out they were coming to Oregon, near his town, he immediately emailed them and let them know.

Within weeks, he was able to see exactly where they'd be and what time to come. He was kind of scared, but this is what he wanted. This would perhaps be the biggest thrill of his life. He'd never even been with a girl ever in his life, this was his fantasy. 

The cameras were placed in the room, and FyeBottom walked in as Nick sat on the bed. There she was. Wearing nothing but a T-shirt and the signature silver thong she wore in her videos. 
Nick immediately put out his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Ms.FyeBottom," He managed to get out, still kind of nervous.

"Nice to meet you as well, Nick. Let me just tell you that I will not be showing any mercy to you. Is that clear?"

Nick gulped. "Yes." He agreed.

FyeBottom then ordered him to lay down on the bed, and she began to tie his arms and legs to the bedposts.

"Is it true that you rarely wash your ass?" He asked nervously.

"It is very true. I like to make the seat suffer as much as they can, and get their money's worth. I also want the audience to get their money's worth as well." She replied. 

Nick was having second thoughts on this now, but he knew it was too late. Pretty soon his snout would be deep in the biggest ass he'd ever seen in his life, and it would be unwashed and most likely unwiped. He did want this, it was his fantasy to be tortured like this, but would he be able to handle it?

FyeBottom took a roll of duct tape and rolled it around his mouth and head as he tested his restraints. The rope was pretty thick and tight, he couldn't move too much while he tugged at it. There was certainly no possibility of him breaking it.

FyeBottom got into position as the camera began to roll and the session started. FyeBottom stood over him, then dropped down ass first right onto his face. 

Nick whimpered through the tape as he did not see that coming, what a rude awakening. Now his air was cut off, his head completely swallowed up by FyeBottom huge and intimidating asscheeks. Immediately Fye could feel Nick's snout as it protruded deeper in her ass than the rest of his face. Nick thrashed as he was being smothered, he could see nothing but darkness and could not bring his head out of FyeBottom's ass, no matter what force he used. 

FyeBottom sat comfortably on his face just as though he were a seat and ignored his muffled screams under her.

After what seemed like a long time, FyeBottom lifted up to give him air, but in the worst way. All she did was lift up slightly with her unwashed asscheeks spread right over his beak.

As the only way to breathe was through his big nose, Nick was forced to intake and inhale her pungent and stinky asshole. He gagged on the intense smell of her big nasty ass, his nostrils unwillingly flared in and out to catch, as they sucked in that nasty stench.

Now he knew exactly how the other seats in the videos felt. He immediately jolted his head to the side, to avoid the strength of the smell which he couldn't completely avoid. He wanted to catch his nose breath with at least some fresh air. Even though this was extremely disgusting, his dick was rock hard.

It only took a few seconds for FyeBottom to realize he wasn't completely in her ass, because when she had first spread her cheeks she felt huge bursts of air from his nostrils. She took her strong legs and forced his head back straight face up, which made him whimper and thrash. He was still catching his breath!!

Now FyeBottom lowered her spread asscheeks onto his nose, his nostrils right up against her hole. He began to panic. He knew what was coming.


A huge and powerful fart vibrated right up against his nostrils as he felt a burning sensation. His instinct was to immediately turn his head right on impact as it happened, but his head was trapped in between her feet so he took the whole impact of the fart and it was very unpleasant. It was a burning sensation that singed his nose hairs. All he could do was inhale against his will in order to survive. This was too disgusting, but his dick remained rock hard for some reason despite him fighting for fresh air. He thrashed and tugged on the ropes to no avail, as his nose stayed right up against her butthole even after impact. He was stuck smelling all of the fart, which the smell lasted for more minutes than he'd liked. It wasn't just some little fart that usually would lose smell in about a minute or 2, the smell stayed going in his nostrils for at least 5 minutes straight. Even after that he could still smell it.

FyeBottom was having fun. "This is probably the biggest nose I dealt with" She said as she backed off a little so he wouldn't pass out. She looked and saw that his nose was really red.

"I've got some more, want some more?"


Nick shook his head violently at her.

She touched his dick and felt how hard it was.

"I think you do." She said, and after a moment of fresh air his nose was right back up against her ass. This time she began to scrub his nose along her asscrack, and he screamed though the tape as his nose was rubbing against a lot of butt nuggets in her ass. This was pure smelling torture at it's finest and most extreme. And him having a big nose sure didn't help.

Now FyeBottom sat fullweight on his face. He anticipated what was going to happen, and he began to panic and scream at the top of his lungs. This was getting out of hand, and he knew it. If she kept this up the smell of her ass would literally linger in his nose for a quite some time. Weeks. Maybe even months. He did not want that. That was pure hell. He fought with all his might but he'd never be able to escape. Minutes passed, and he continued to fight with no air. This was just getting worse and worse. 

Finally FyeBottom lifted up, opened up her asscheeks real wide and let out a big nasty fart right up against his big nostrils.


Nick's nostrils inhaled DEEP against his will and the stench filled them up quickly, the smell of sewage and rotten eggs as he flared them right up against her butthole. FyeBottom could just feel huge rushes of air from his nostrils in frequent bursts as he whimpered and thrashed nonstop.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2019 ⏰

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