For as long as I can remember I have been having these dreams. Dreams of a woman. I assume she's my mother. Black hair, wet by sweat, looking down smiling at me. Slowly her smile fades and I'm being taken away from her and then I wake up in a cold sweat. I have never met my mother. The only thing I have is a dream that I'm not even sure that it's real. It's almost like she never exists. We are not sopose to mention our mothers around here. Nobody knows who the children come from. It's like the woman that gives birth, disappears off the face of the earth.
My name is Lotus, like the flower. I am 13 years old. I live in a small place called Tiberous Village. It's a small part of Oklahoma, well what use to be. After the world basically went to hell, cities, states, towns all fell apart. Nobody followed orders, or obeyed laws. The government soon lost it's power and people started takin over places. With nobody to stop them, places were raided, and invaded. People lost their homes,belongings,cars,and even their lives. Many people joined forces and started their own government such as Tiberous village. Our first leader Tiber, was a man of determination and wanted to rebuild the world like it was before. He started building the town. Few people helped him and joined his new village. Three years passed until he was complete. People started to come into this new town. Nobody left. It has been like this for 70 years. Tiber died after 63 years and had his son take over the village. His name was Midas. Midas is a cruel man. All the woman are afraid of him. He sends some of the men to retrieve food and supplies. He keeps most food for himself and gives the village very little. If you are caught bad mouthing him, he will have his personal guard take you to The Sound Proof room where no one hears your screams. I hate thinking about it.
Their are only a five kids that live in the village. Two girls and three boys. Midas keeps an eye on the numbers. All of us kids live in this old bakery shop. The lady that takes care of us is named Susan. She helps read and write. "Children, come. It's time for lunch." She yells. My best friend Iris is the oldest of us all. She is 14. She helps get the little ones ready for lunch. "I'm starving. What is it?" I ask trying to look in the bag. Susan's smile dropped as she looked in the bag. She puts two pieces of moldy bread on the table and two bottles of dirty water. Sometimes we would have to miss a meal or two to save on food and so it will be enough for the little ones. Susan split the bread in half. Gave one half to Toby who is 4 years old, Dan who is 6 years old, and Drew who is 8 years old. There was only one half left so me and Iris shared it. I hate moldy bread. To was it down,we had dirty water In Dixie cups.
Iris and I would climb to the roof and stare past the Border Lines. The Border Lines are guarded to make sure know one leaves. "It's like a prison you know." Iris would say. Part of me are glad we are safe behind these bars and barricades. But there's a little voice saying get out. Soon that little voice would be screaming.