Tyler Jøseph

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Josh sits outside of the school, lightly drumming on his legs as he waits for the bell to ring. There was only a month left, as soon as it reaches June 12th Josh would graduate. He didnt know what he planned to do after, maybe he would try to make a living off of music. Maybe, even though he wouldnt succeed, Josh knew this, but he could dream.

The bell soon goes off, Josh stands up, making his was to the first class he has, he despises it. The blue-haired boy sits next to Tyler, refusing to look at him.

Tyler joseph: another white playboy, everyone wanted him, Josh did too, thats why he couldnt let Joseph in.

"Come on Dun, schools almost out, would it really hurt so much to talk to me?" Tyler leans back, giving Josh a lopsided grin.

Yeah it would.

Josh thinks, he doesn't quite say it.

"I know how you are." He says instead, not looking at Tyler, his wall would break if he did.

"Come on I'm not that bad." Joseph once again tries talking to him. "I had fame here, but now that schools nearly done for good, I can be myself. I'm planning to enter into the Senior talent show thing, sing you know? Be myself for the last stretch."

Be himself? Yeah right, I wonder how many people he's pulled that line on. Tyler Joseph plays around with everyone.

What the hell even was this guy going on about? Tyler doesn't realize just how much is going for him. Tyler Joseph is liked. Tyler Joseph doesn't have to worry about being bullied. Tyler Joseph doesn't have anything wrong with his mind. Josh Dun on the other hand, that's a different story, everyone knew Josh Dun, they know he's the fag of the school at least.

Not that Tyler Joseph doesn't play around with both genders. But hey, he's got good looks and an amzing voice, why would anyone bully him? His fasion is unique, you could spot Tyler Joseph from a mile away.

Josh is just that one dude in the band who plays drums, the one kid that isn't significant besides within the walls of the band rooms, those would be gone in a month, the thought was painful to Josh.

Tyler Joseph has it easy, yet he still pretends he has anything to hide.

"You play drums right?" Tyler's question catches Josh off guard, he finally looks at Tyler Joseph. For the first time since Senior year started, even when they were assigned as partners he would avoid eye contact with him.

"Yes?" Josh answers slowly, wondering what Tyler was up to.

"Well, you know, someone helping out during the show would be nice, besides I want to try starting a band when school ends, I'll need a drummer you know."

Was this Joseph's way of lurring him in? Probably, it would start off as band mates then he would make his way into Josh's mind and ruin him.

It won't hurt to give him a chance though.

Josh taked in a small breath, finally mustering up the courage to answer.

"Let me guess, you want to be some crappy white rapper or a hip hop star? I'm good." Josh looks away once again.

"I mean, some of my music could be rap I suppose but hey, it isn't about drugs and wherever." Tyler giggles. Tyler fucking Joseph. Giggles. Josh swears he could have melted into a puddle right there, luckily he doesn't. Josh still ignored Tyler though, he wouldn't let himself be tricked.

"Would you like to hear it? It's called Drown, it's on Youtube." Tyler smiles. "Just listen to it, then let me know if you want to at least help out for the show."

"What's your music about?"

"Just listen to Drown, take what you will from it." Tyler smiles and leaves the second the bell rings.

Well wasn't that helpful, now Josh has to waste his time looking up a song. Knowing Tyler Joseph it'll be some sappy love song about a girl he'll forget the name of in a week.

After second period Josh heads to the lunch room, he pulls out his phone and searches Drown, might as well listen to it while he looks for his friend, Mikey Way.

Tyler wasn't lying, his rapping isn't about drugs and sex.

"Hey! Josh!" Josh turns on his heel and sees his sandy haired friend sitting at a picnic bench. Mikey's brother, Gerard was there, along with Frank Pete, Amy and.. Oh no..

Tyler Joseph.

Josh hesitantly sits down next to Tyler. Amy was on the other side of the playboy, clinging to his arm, next to her was Mikey, Pete was holding onto his hand. Frank and Gerard might as well have been the same person with how they were almost on top of each other, across the table from Josh.

"I listened to Drown." Josh informs Tyler. "I um.. I guess I can play for the show, maybe I'll give a band a chance."

"Really?" Tyler responds, grinning. "Thats great. Do you want to come over after school? I'll show you some songs I've been working on." Tyler seemed to actually be excited.

Josh knew he shouldn't, but he didn't want to crush that excitement.

"Sure, where do you want to meet?"

"At the doors near the office, I walk home." Josh gives a small, nervous nod, then jumps when the bell rings, lunch was over? Had it really already been fifty minutes?

"I'll see you later Josh." Tyler says, smiling, the name seemed to roll off the boys tongue too perfectly.

"See you.. Tyler." Josh speaks quietly, the name felt almost like it belonged, despite being the first time he ever spoke it out loud.

Tyler Joseph may just be finding a way to trick Josh Dun.

After nearly three years of flirting, he found an approach that could work, and Josh Dun knew he was being tricked.

But he didn't seem to care, he may have a real chance.

With Tyler Jøseph.

Woo shitty first chapter um.. Hope it's okay.
I promise this won't end with Tyler dying like so many other fics like to do.

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